Xukhezur Kavinath (voice) is an arctic "grimaskari" mechamancer.
He stands about three inches over six feet tall, with pale gray
hairless skin, glossy black eyes, and a broad muscular build. He often
conjures an articulated, form fitting suit of ablative, stabilized protomatter over an undershirt, breeches, knee high boots and fingerless leather gloves. He also wears a pocketed nightscale utility belt.
He is about forty-two years of age, despite having been born nearly a century and a half ago. Upon acquiring and exercising the level of skill required to scribe a very particular and powerful scroll, he entrusted his mentor to cast its effect upon him and a well fashioned magic ring made of black dragonbone. He now shares a connection to this "Ring of Ages", allowing him to draw upon its strange, inanimate resilience whenever he wears it, in effect halting the aging process. This ring is virtually indestructible while he lives, but if separated from it, Xukhezur would be slightly weakened until he could reclaim it. However, thankfully the connection he shares with it would allow him to sense its location, wherever it might be if on the same plane.
As a mechamancer, which is a type of artificer, Xukhezur is a crafter of various objects, constructs and magic implements, and capable of manipulating them by means of imbuing them with magic infusions. Utilizing the assistance of a magically conjured minion and small contingent of construct servitors, he also builds, maintains and pilots constructs with the mecha subtype. In addition, he is relatively accomplished in martial arts, exploration, tracking, and loreseeking, often employing a number of optic orb homunculi as a means of surveillance and scouting.
Xukhezur can be hired to build or create a vast array of objects and devices for a prospective client, as a means of advancing his own projects, and has also taken to adventuring, contractual mission assignments and remote mercantile enclaves as a means of financing them. He loves the challenge and satisfaction he gets from accomplishing difficult and often risky tasks on behalf of his people. Raised in the reasonably comfortable household environment maintained by his parents, he took quickly to learning the skills of his father, Kavuzaar, until it was obvious he would need more advanced tutelage. He was approached and recruited as an apprentice within a few days of submitting his application to the various guilds of magical artifice. His new mentor, was a skilled artificer named Nur'Zod, who guided him for the next thirty years, as he developed his craft and tested their applications in the fields of exploration and combat.
In the decades since, his restless appetite for discovery has often led
him far afield, beyond the comforts of his homeland. He lives to serve
his people in an almost competitive manner, that he might occasionally
return to present or demonstrate the products of his accomplishments in
an open forum, and take in the welcoming praise and share accounts of
his endeavors.
He is about forty-two years of age, despite having been born nearly a century and a half ago. Upon acquiring and exercising the level of skill required to scribe a very particular and powerful scroll, he entrusted his mentor to cast its effect upon him and a well fashioned magic ring made of black dragonbone. He now shares a connection to this "Ring of Ages", allowing him to draw upon its strange, inanimate resilience whenever he wears it, in effect halting the aging process. This ring is virtually indestructible while he lives, but if separated from it, Xukhezur would be slightly weakened until he could reclaim it. However, thankfully the connection he shares with it would allow him to sense its location, wherever it might be if on the same plane.
As a mechamancer, which is a type of artificer, Xukhezur is a crafter of various objects, constructs and magic implements, and capable of manipulating them by means of imbuing them with magic infusions. Utilizing the assistance of a magically conjured minion and small contingent of construct servitors, he also builds, maintains and pilots constructs with the mecha subtype. In addition, he is relatively accomplished in martial arts, exploration, tracking, and loreseeking, often employing a number of optic orb homunculi as a means of surveillance and scouting.
Xukhezur can be hired to build or create a vast array of objects and devices for a prospective client, as a means of advancing his own projects, and has also taken to adventuring, contractual mission assignments and remote mercantile enclaves as a means of financing them. He loves the challenge and satisfaction he gets from accomplishing difficult and often risky tasks on behalf of his people. Raised in the reasonably comfortable household environment maintained by his parents, he took quickly to learning the skills of his father, Kavuzaar, until it was obvious he would need more advanced tutelage. He was approached and recruited as an apprentice within a few days of submitting his application to the various guilds of magical artifice. His new mentor, was a skilled artificer named Nur'Zod, who guided him for the next thirty years, as he developed his craft and tested their applications in the fields of exploration and combat.
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Xukhezur in a protomorphic jump suit. |
Medieval Fantasy Version
From among his various creations, he often
utilizes a mecha effigy construct simply dubbed "Shroud". Xukhezur is also an interplanar and interplanetary explorer hailing from the growing nation sprouting from the city of Deep Imaskar on the world of Toril. He is often sent on errands and assignments by the various imaskari enclaves, using their powerful portal terminals as a means of transportation. These portals are capable of establishing a two-way portal with almost any other location that isn't properly warded or subjected to adverse magical conditions, be it on another plane or planet. The portal magic of the imaskari has its roots in the reverse engineering of batrachi devices that they discovered, starting about 9,500 years ago.
Future Fantasy Version
Xukhezur is also a dimensional explorer
who has crossed over from an alternate version of reality where both
technology and magic prevail. He typically utilizes a suit of robotic power armor, simply dubbed "Rubicon" for scouting, and when engaging enemies in battle.
Statistical Write Up
Boost—Iron Heart Endurance (6th);
Counter—Iron Heart Focus (5th);
Other—Iron Heart Surge (3rd);
Statistical Write Up
What lies below, is a draft of Xukhezur Kavinath created by gestalting the non-caster classes without adjusting the effective level, as an attempt to balance those levels against caster class levels. These stats reflect the character when he is not occupying a construct with the mecha subtype. Clearly this information can be adjusted to better fit the parameters of whatever game or role play he may become a part of.
Xukhezur Kavinath CR 30
5 Artificer, 20 Mechamancer, *5 non-caster gestalt levels
*Gestalt A // 3 Factotum, 2 Unarmed Swordsage
*Gestalt B // 2 Survivor, 1 Lion Totem Brb, 1 Warblade, 1 Arcane Hunter
N Medium Humanoid (human);
Xukhezur Kavinath CR 30
5 Artificer, 20 Mechamancer, *5 non-caster gestalt levels
*Gestalt A // 3 Factotum, 2 Unarmed Swordsage
*Gestalt B // 2 Survivor, 1 Lion Totem Brb, 1 Warblade, 1 Arcane Hunter
N Medium Humanoid (human);
Init +23 (+4 Dex, +15 Int, +4 racial);
Senses arcane sight, battlemagic perception, darkvision 60 ft.,
superior low-light vision, Listen +26, Spot +35;
Languages Undercommon, Roushoum, Common,
Dwarven, Gnome, Terran, Elven (drow);
Senses arcane sight, battlemagic perception, darkvision 60 ft.,
superior low-light vision, Listen +26, Spot +35;
Languages Undercommon, Roushoum, Common,
Dwarven, Gnome, Terran, Elven (drow);
DEFENSE (when not occupying a construct with the mecha subtype)
AC 35, touch 29, flat-footed 35 (+6 armor, +4 Dex, +15 Int);
hp 310 (5d6+20d4+4d12+1d8+210);
Fort +26, Ref +22, Will +34;
Racial Modifiers +2 electricity effects, +2 deafness,
+4 disease, +4 inhaled and ingested poisons,
+4 starvation, +4 dehydration, +4 altitude
Defensive Abilities AC Bonus, Battle Clarity (+1), Evasion,
Fast Healing 2, Improved Evasive Action, Mettle,
Resurgent, Uncanny Dodge, Cannot be flanked
DR 1/-; Resist acid 15, cold 25, electricity 20, fire 15, sonic 15;
Typical Armor
Protomorphic Jump Suit infusion
w/ Magic Vestment infusion;
Racial Modifiers +2 electricity effects, +2 deafness,
+4 disease, +4 inhaled and ingested poisons,
+4 starvation, +4 dehydration, +4 altitude
Defensive Abilities AC Bonus, Battle Clarity (+1), Evasion,
Fast Healing 2, Improved Evasive Action, Mettle,
Resurgent, Uncanny Dodge, Cannot be flanked
DR 1/-; Resist acid 15, cold 25, electricity 20, fire 15, sonic 15;
Typical Armor
Protomorphic Jump Suit infusion
w/ Magic Vestment infusion;
OFFENSE (when not occupying a construct with the mecha subtype)
Speed 40 ft.;
Typical Melee Weapon(s)
+5 unarmed strike +30 (1d6+12, see gear)
w/ Greater Magic Weapon infusion;
Typical Ranged Weapon(s)
+5 unarmed strike +28 (1d6+12, see gear)
w/ Greater Magic Weapon infusion;
Typical Melee Weapon(s)
+5 unarmed strike +30 (1d6+12, see gear)
w/ Greater Magic Weapon infusion;
Typical Ranged Weapon(s)
+5 unarmed strike +28 (1d6+12, see gear)
w/ Greater Magic Weapon infusion;
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.;
Base Atk +13; Epic Base Atk +5; Grp +24;
Special Attacks Pounce
Infusions Per Day (CL 30th)
Epic Spells Known (CL 30th, 3 slots)
...to be determined;
Swordsage Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 16th, 4 readied)
Stances—Assassin’s Stance (3rd), Pearl of Black Doubt (3rd);
Boosts— Burning Blade (1st), Distracting Ember (1st),
Mind Over Body (3rd), Moment of Alacrity (6th);
Counter—Zephyr Dance (3rd), Counter Charge (1st);
Base Atk +13; Epic Base Atk +5; Grp +24;
Special Attacks Pounce
Infusions Per Day (CL 30th)
Epic Spells Known (CL 30th, 3 slots)
...to be determined;
Swordsage Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 16th, 4 readied)
Stances—Assassin’s Stance (3rd), Pearl of Black Doubt (3rd);
Boosts— Burning Blade (1st), Distracting Ember (1st),
Mind Over Body (3rd), Moment of Alacrity (6th);
Counter—Zephyr Dance (3rd), Counter Charge (1st);
Other—Shadow Stride (5th);
Warblade Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 15th, 3 readied)
Stance—Punishing Stance (1st);Boost—Iron Heart Endurance (6th);
Counter—Iron Heart Focus (5th);
Other—Iron Heart Surge (3rd);
STATISTICS (when not occupying a construct with the mecha subtype)
Str 23, Dex 19, Con 25, Int 40 (+8 gear), Wis 13, Cha 13
Character Traits Passionate (+1 fort, -1 will), Jumpy (+1 ref, -1 will)
Weapon Group Proficiencies Basic Weapons, Druid Weapons,
Maces/Clubs, Light Blades, Heavy Blades, Firearms,
Bows, Exotic Weapons, Chains and Flails, Crossbows,
Monk Weapons, Thrown Weapons,
Feats Keen Intellect, Extend Spell, Rapid Spell, Echoing Spell,
Persistent Spell, Twin Spell, Kung-Fu Genius
Bonus Feats Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, Quicken Spell,
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Construct, Chain Spell,
Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge Devotion,
Weapon Focus (unarmed strike, dagger, short sword, sai),
Mechamancer Bonus Feats Mecha Operation,
Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Eschew Materials
Epic Feats (2 non-epic feats for each epic feat)
Ignore Material Components, Practiced Spellcaster [Artificer],
Node Spellcasting [Earth], Metanode Spell, Epic Spellcasting,
Weapon Group Proficiencies Basic Weapons, Druid Weapons,
Maces/Clubs, Light Blades, Heavy Blades, Firearms,
Bows, Exotic Weapons, Chains and Flails, Crossbows,
Monk Weapons, Thrown Weapons,
Feats Keen Intellect, Extend Spell, Rapid Spell, Echoing Spell,
Persistent Spell, Twin Spell, Kung-Fu Genius
Bonus Feats Scribe Scroll, Craft Wondrous Item, Quicken Spell,
Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Construct, Chain Spell,
Improved Unarmed Strike, Knowledge Devotion,
Weapon Focus (unarmed strike, dagger, short sword, sai),
Mechamancer Bonus Feats Mecha Operation,
Mecha Weapons Proficiency, Eschew Materials
Epic Feats (2 non-epic feats for each epic feat)
Ignore Material Components, Practiced Spellcaster [Artificer],
Node Spellcasting [Earth], Metanode Spell, Epic Spellcasting,
Additional Traits [Magical Knack (Artificer), Heart of Clay]
Mechamancer Epic Bonus Feats
Improved Spell Capacity x3
Item Granted Feats Endurance, Run,
Mutli-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting
Greater Mutli-Weapon Fighting
Skill Tricks Collector of Stories
Improved Spell Capacity x3
Item Granted Feats Endurance, Run,
Mutli-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting
Greater Mutli-Weapon Fighting
Skill Tricks Collector of Stories
Skills Appraise +20, Balance +26, Bluff +18, Climb +21,
Concentration +40, Craft (sculpting) +23,
Decipher Script +20 (+23 w/ scrolls), Disable Device +35,
Disguise +1, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +23, Forgery +15,
Handle Animal +2, Heal +20, Hide +25, Gather Information +12,
Intimidate +4, Jump +23, Knowledge (arcana) +45,
Knowledge (dungeoneer, engineer, local, nature, planes, religion) +25,
Knowledge (prestige, geography, history, psionics) +20,
Listen +26, Move Silently +27, Profession (pilot) +34,
Psicraft +32 (+34 w/ power stones), Ride +19, Search +35,
Sense Motive +35, Sleight of Hand +19,
Spellcraft +52 (+56 w/ scrolls), Spot +35, Survival +20, Swim +21,
Tumble +28, Use Magic Device +34 (+40 w/ scrolls),
Use Psionic Device +34 (+37 w/ power stones);
Synergy +2 Balance, +7 Diplomacy, +3 Gather Information, +2 Jump,
+3 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge (nature), +2 Psicraft, +4 Spellcraft,
+3 Sleight of Hand, +2 Survival
Racial +2 Bluff, +2 Intimidate, +4 Escape Artist,
+6 Balance, +4 Tumble, +4 Spot, +2 Listen,
Gear +6 Hide, +8 Move Silently
Gear SQ Hide in Plain Sight
Graft SQ Bioshock (1d4), Silthilar Recovery
SQ Arcane Dilettante (one 1st level spell), Artificer Knowledge, Artisan Bonus,
Concentration +40, Craft (sculpting) +23,
Decipher Script +20 (+23 w/ scrolls), Disable Device +35,
Disguise +1, Diplomacy +16, Escape Artist +23, Forgery +15,
Handle Animal +2, Heal +20, Hide +25, Gather Information +12,
Intimidate +4, Jump +23, Knowledge (arcana) +45,
Knowledge (dungeoneer, engineer, local, nature, planes, religion) +25,
Knowledge (prestige, geography, history, psionics) +20,
Listen +26, Move Silently +27, Profession (pilot) +34,
Psicraft +32 (+34 w/ power stones), Ride +19, Search +35,
Sense Motive +35, Sleight of Hand +19,
Spellcraft +52 (+56 w/ scrolls), Spot +35, Survival +20, Swim +21,
Tumble +28, Use Magic Device +34 (+40 w/ scrolls),
Use Psionic Device +34 (+37 w/ power stones);
Synergy +2 Balance, +7 Diplomacy, +3 Gather Information, +2 Jump,
+3 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge (nature), +2 Psicraft, +4 Spellcraft,
+3 Sleight of Hand, +2 Survival
Racial +2 Bluff, +2 Intimidate, +4 Escape Artist,
+6 Balance, +4 Tumble, +4 Spot, +2 Listen,
Gear +6 Hide, +8 Move Silently
Gear SQ Hide in Plain Sight
Graft SQ Bioshock (1d4), Silthilar Recovery
SQ Arcane Dilettante (one 1st level spell), Artificer Knowledge, Artisan Bonus,
Brains Over Brawn, Craft Reserve, Cunning Insight, Cunning Knowledge,
Cunning Defense, Disable Trap, Discipline Focus,
Favored Enemies [arcanists +4, evil outsiders +2], Inspiration (3 points),
Item Creation, Poison Use, Quick to Act, Retain Essence, Wild Empathy;
Mechamancer SQ Artificer Features, Call Construct (1/day),
Reinforce Construct, Blink Aboard (1/minute), Mechamancy,
Hold Fast +2, Proven Jockey, Masterful Jockey, Final Reinforcements,
Protomorphic Domain, Construct Expertise (+10 and 50% gp cost)
Cunning Defense, Disable Trap, Discipline Focus,
Favored Enemies [arcanists +4, evil outsiders +2], Inspiration (3 points),
Item Creation, Poison Use, Quick to Act, Retain Essence, Wild Empathy;
Mechamancer SQ Artificer Features, Call Construct (1/day),
Reinforce Construct, Blink Aboard (1/minute), Mechamancy,
Hold Fast +2, Proven Jockey, Masterful Jockey, Final Reinforcements,
Protomorphic Domain, Construct Expertise (+10 and 50% gp cost)
Xukhezur's ability scores each include a +5 inherit bonus.
Infusions: An artificer is not a spellcaster, but he does have the ability to imbue items with magical infusions. Infusions are neither arcane nor divine; they are drawn from the artificer infusion list (see Chapter 5: Magic). They function just like spells and follow all the rules for spells. For example, an infusion can be dispelled, it will not function in an antimagic area, and an artificer must make a Concentration check if injured while imbuing an item with an infusion.
An artificer can imbue an item with any infusion from the list without preparing the infusion ahead of time. Unlike a sorcerer or bard, he does not select a subset of the available infusions as his known infusions; he has access to every infusion on the list that is of a level he can use.
It is possible for an artificer to learn infusions that are not on the normal artificer infusion list. These might include ancient infusions he finds in the ruins of Xen'drik or secret infusions known only to the members of certain guilds or organizations. When he encounters such an infusion, an artificer can attempt to learn it by making a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level). If this check succeeds, he adds the infusion to his list. If not, he can try again when he gains another rank in Spellcraft, assuming he still has access to the new infusion.
To imbue an item with an infusion, an artificer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the infusion level (Int 11 for 1st-level infusions, Int 12 for 2nd-level infusions, and so forth). The save DC is Intelligence-based.
Like spellcasters, an artificer can use only a certain number of infusions of a particular level per day. His base daily infusion allotment is given on the accompanying table. In addition, he receives extra infusions per day if he has a sufficiently high Intelligence score (see Table 1—1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells, page 8 of the Player's Handbook).
An artificer's infusions can only be imbued into an item or a construct (including warforged). He cannot, for example, simply imbue an ally with bull's strength. He must instead imbue that ability into an item his ally is wearing. The item then functions as a belt of giant strength for the duration of the infusion. He can, however, imbue bull's strength directly on a construct or a character with the living construct subtype, and infusions such as repair light damage and iron construct function only when imbued on such characters.
Many infusions have long casting times, often 1 minute or more. An artificer can spend 1 action point to imbue any infusion in 1 round (like a spell that takes 1 round to cast).
Like a spellcaster, an artificer can apply metamagic feats he knows to his infusions. Like a sorcerer, an artificer can apply a metamagic feat to an infusion spontaneously, but doing this requires extra time. An artificer can craft alchemical items as though he were a spellcaster.
An artificer cannot automatically use a spell trigger or spell completion item if the equivalent spell appears on his infusion list. For example, an artificer must still employ the Use Magic Device skill to use a wand of light, even though light appears on his infusion list.
Each day, an artificer must focus his mind on his infusions. He needs 8 hours of rest, after which he spends 15 minutes concentrating. During this period, the artificer readies his mind to hold his daily allotment of infusions. Without such a period of time to refresh himself, the character does not regain the infusion slots he used up the day before. Any infusions used within the last 8 hours count against the artificer's daily limit.
An artificer never requires a divine focus to imbue an item with an infusion. In cases where an infusion duplicates a spell that requires either a material component or a divine focus, or requires either an arcane focus or a divine focus, the artificer uses the arcane material component or arcane focus.
Craft Reserve: An artificer receives a pool of points he can spend instead of experience points when crafting a magic item. Each time the artificer gains a new level, he receives a new craft reserve; leftover points from the previous level do not carry over. If the points are not spent, they are lost. An artificer can also use his craft reserve to supplement the XP cost of the item he is making, taking a portion of the cost from his craft reserve and a portion from his own XP.
Artificer Knowledge: An artificer can make a special artificer knowledge check with a bonus equal to his artificer level + his Int modifier to detect whether a specific item has a magical aura.
The artificer must hold and examine the object for 1 minute. A successful check against DC 15 determines that the object has magical qualities, but does not reveal the specific powers of the item.
An artificer cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check. A particular item can only be examined in this fashion one time; if the check fails, the artificer can learn no more about that object.
Artisan Bonus: An artificer gains a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks to activate an item of a kind for which he has the prerequisite item creation feat. For example, an artificer who has the Craft Wand feat gains a +2 bonus on checks to use a spell from a wand.
Disable Trap: An artificer can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create the trap.
An artificer can use the "Disable Device"skills/disable-device/ skill to disarm magic traps. Usually the DC is 25 + the level of the spell used to create the trap.
An artificer who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with his party) without disarming it.
Item Creation (Ex): An artificer can create a magic item even if he does not have access to the spells that are prerequisites for the item. The artificer must make a successful Use Magic Device check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item. Thus, to make a 1st-level wand of magic missile, an artificer would need a Use Magic Device check result of 21 or higher.' To create a bottle of air (caster level 7th), he would need a check result of 27 or higher to emulate the water breathing prerequisite.
The artificer must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check—his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.
For purposes of meeting item prerequisites, an artificer's effective caster level equals his artificer level +2. If the item duplicates a spell effect, however, it uses the artificer's actual level as its caster level. Costs are always determined using the item's minimum caster level or the artificer's actual level (if it is higher). Thus, a 3rd-level artificer can make a scroll of fireball, since the minimum caster level for fireball is 5th. He pays the normal cost for making such a scroll with a caster level of 5th: 5 X 3 X 12.5 = 187 gp and 5 sp, plus 15 XP. But the scroll's actual caster level is only 3rd, and it produces a weak fireball that deals only 3d6 points of damage.
An artificer can also make Use Magic Device checks to emulate non-spell requirements, including alignment and race, using the normal DCs for the skill. He cannot emulate skill or feat requirements, however, including item creation feat prerequisites. He must meet the caster level prerequisite, including the minimum level to cast a spell he stores in a potion, wand, or scroll.
An artificer's infusions do not meet spell prerequisites for creating magic items. For example, an artificer must still employ the Use Magic Device skill to emulate the light spell to create a wand of light, even though light appears on his infusion list.
Magic items created by an artificer are considered neither arcane nor divine.
Bonus Feat: An artificer gains every item creation feat as a bonus feat at or near the level at which it becomes available to spellcasters. He gets Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat at 1st level, Brew Potion at 2nd level, Craft Wondrous Item at 3rd level, Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level, Craft Wand at 6th level, Craft Rod at 9th level, Craft Staff at 12th level, and Forge Ring at 14th level.
In addition, an artificer gains a bonus feat at 4th level and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th). For each of these bonus feats, the artificer must choose a metamagic feat or a feat from the following list: Attune Magical Weapon, Craft Construct (see the Monster Manual, page 303), Exceptional Artisan, Extra Rings, Extraordinary Artisan, Legendary Artisan, Wand Mastery.
Craft Homunculus (Ex): At 4th level, an artificer can create a homunculus as if he had the Craft Construct feat. He must emulate the spell requirements (arcane eye, mending, and mirror image) as normal for making a magic item, and he must pay all the usual gold and XP costs (though he can spend points from his craft reserve). An artificer can also upgrade an existing homunculus that he owns, adding 1 Hit Die at a cost of 2,000 gp and 160 XP.
If an artificer gives his homunculus more than 6 Hit Dice, it becomes a Small creature and advances as described in the Monster Manual (+4 Str, —2 Dex, damage increases to Id6). The homunculus also gains 10 extra hit points for being a Small construct.
An artificer's homunculus can have as many Hit Dice as its master's Hit Dice minus 2. No matter how many Hit Dice it has, a homunculus never grows larger than Small.
Retain Essence (Su): At 5th level, an artificer gains the ability to salvage the XP from a magic item and use those points to create another magic item. The artificer must spend a day with the item, and he must also have the appropriate item creation feat for the item he is salvaging. After one day, the item is destroyed and the artificer adds the XP it took to create the item to his craft reserve. These points are lost if the artificer does not use them before gaining his next level.
For example, an artificer wants to retain the essence of a wand of summon monster IV that has 20 charges. Originally created (like all wands) with 50 charges, it required 840 XP when initially made, or 16.8 XP (840 – 50) per charge. The artificer is able to recover the XP from the remaining charges. He puts 336 XP (16.8 X 20) into his craft reserve.
AC Bonus (Ex): Xukhezur may add his Intelligence bonus to Armor Class, so long as he is unencumbered and is wearing light or no armor, and is not using a shield. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when he is flat-footed. However, he loses this bonus when she is immobilized or helpless.
Swordsage Maneuvers Readied: You can ready four of your six maneuvers known at 1st level, and as you advance in level and learn more maneuvers, you are able to ready more, but you must still choose which maneuvers to ready. You ready your maneuvers by meditating and exercising for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose remain readied until you decide to meditate again and change them. You need not sleep or rest for any long period of time to ready your maneuvers; any time you spend 5 minutes in meditation, you can change your readied maneuvers. You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them. When you initiate a maneuver, you expend it for the current encounter, so each of your readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless you recover them, as described below).
You can recover an expended maneuver by using a full-round action to quickly meditate. Doing this does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you complete your meditation, you can choose one expended maneuver to refresh. It is now available for use in a subsequent round.
Swordsage Stances Known: You begin play with knowledge of one 1st-level stance from any discipline open to you. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 14th, and 20th level, you can choose additional stances. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended, and you do not have to ready them. All the stances you know are available to you at all times, and you can change the stance you currently use as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description.
Unlike with maneuvers, you cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one you already know.
Discipline Focus (Ex): As a swordsage, you can focus your training to take advantage of each discipline's fighting style. Each time you gain the discipline focus ability, select one of the six swordsage disciplines to which that focus applies. You can select a different discipline each time you gain discipline focus, but you must know at least one martial maneuver from the selected discipline. Even if you select a different discipline at higher levels, your discipline choice for earlier abilities does not change.
This focus manifests in the following ways.
Weapon Focus: At 1st level, you gain the benefit of the Weapon Focus feat for weapons associated with the chosen discipline. See the discipline descriptions in Chapter 4.
Insightful Strikes: At 4th level, you can add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus on damage rolls whenever you execute a strike from the chosen discipline. At 12th level, you can choose a second discipline to which this ability applies.
Defensive Stance: At 8th level, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws whenever you adopt a stance from the chosen discipline. At 16th level, you can choose a second discipline to which this ability applies.
You gain a +2 bonus on Martial Lore checks made regarding a maneuver in a discipline in which you have discipline focus.
Quick to Act (Ex): You gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.
Warblade Maneuvers Readied: You can ready all three of the maneuvers you know at 1st level, but as you advance in level and learn more maneuvers, you must choose which maneuvers to ready. You ready your maneuvers by exercising for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose remain readied until you decide to exercise again and change them. You need not sleep or rest for any long period of time to ready your maneuvers; any time you spend 5 minutes in practice, you can change your readied maneuvers. You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them. When you initiate a maneuver, you expend it for the current encounter, so each of your readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (until you recover them, as described below). You can recover all expended maneuvers with a single swift action, which must be immediately followed in the same round with a melee attack or using a standard action to do nothing else in the round (such as executing a quick, harmless flourish with your weapon). You cannot initiate a maneuver or change your stance while you are recovering your expended maneuvers, but you can remain in a stance in which you began your turn.
Warblade Stances Known: You begin play with knowledge of one 1st level stance from any discipline open to warblades. At 4th, 10th, and 16th level, you can choose additional stances. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended, and you do not have to ready them. All the stances you know are available to you at all times, and you can change the stance you are currently using as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description. Unlike with maneuvers, you cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one you already know.
Battle Clarity (Ex): You can enter a state of almost mystical awareness of the battlefield around you. As long as you are not flat-footed, you gain an insight bonus equal to your Intelligence bonus (maximum equals your warblade level) on your Reflex saves.
Inspiration: The factotum is a dabbler, a professional explorer who plunders a wide variety of fields to find the tools he needs to survive. He reads through tomes of arcane magic to gain a basic understanding of spells. He offers prayers to a variety of deities to gain their blessings. He observes warrior stances and exercises to understand the art of fighting. But while a factotum learns many paths, he masters none of them. Rather than train in a given field, he masters all the basics and manages to pull out something useful when the situation is desperate enough.
To represent this seemingly random body of knowledge, a factotum gains inspiration points that he can spend to activate his abilities. At the beginning of each encounter, he gains a number of inspiration points determined by his level (3 points at 3rd level).
Cunning Insight (Ex): Before making an attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a competence bonus on the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. Cunning insight does not require an action, and you can use it as often as you wish during your turn or others’ turns—provided that you have the inspiration points to spend. Because this ability provides a competence bonus, it does not stack with itself.
Cunning Knowledge (Ex): When making a check involving a skill in which you have at least 1 rank, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a bonus on the check equal to your factotum level. You can use this ability once per day for a particular skill. For example, if you use cunning knowledge to gain a bonus on a Hide check, you cannot use the ability to improve other Hide checks for the rest of the day, though you can use it on different skills.
Arcane Dilettante (Sp): At 2nd level, you acquire a vague understanding of magic. You know that with a few weird hand gestures and an array of grunts and bizarre words, you can conjure up something that looks like a spell. By spending 1 inspiration point, you can mimic a spell as a spell-like ability.
At the start of each day, choose a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list based on your factotum level. You can choose one spell at 2nd level, and you gain additional spells as shown on Table 1–1. The maximum level of spell you can use, according to your class level, is also shown on the table. You can select any sorcerer/wizard spell up to that level, but you can prepare only one spell of your maximum level. Your caster level equals your level in this character class. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your spell is 10 + the spell level + your Int modifier.
Once you have used a spell, you cannot use it again until you have rested for 8 hours. After resting for this time, you choose new spells and lose any unused spells from the previous day, though you can select the same spell on consecutive days. You cannot prepare the same spell multiple times to use it more than once during the same day.
You cannot use spells that require an XP cost. You must otherwise provide the necessary material components as normal.
If you wish to enhance a spell with a metamagic feat, you must apply the feat when you prepare the spell. In addition, you must be capable of using a spell of the modified spell’s level.
Brains over Brawn (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain your Intelligence bonus as a modifier on Strength checks, Dexterity checks, and checks involving skills based on Strength or Dexterity, such as Hide, Climb, and Jump.
Cunning Defense (Ex): You study your opponents and learn to anticipate their attacks. Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain your Intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to Armor Class against one opponent for 1 round. Using this ability is a free action. You gain this benefit even while wearing medium or heavy armor. You can use this ability multiple times to gain a bonus against different opponents, but you cannot use it more than once during your turn against a single foe.
SILTHILAR TISSUE GRAFTS (already included in stat block, from LoM 216 & here)
Healing Blood
Fast Healing 2
Silthilar Bones
+2 Constitution
Flexible Spine
+4 racial bonus to Initiative, Balance, Escape Artist and Tumble checks
Rudimentary Eyespots
+4 "racial?" bonus to Spot checks. Cannot be flanked.
Silthilar Tendons
+2 Dexterity
Silthilar Muscles
+2 Strength
Silthilar Heart
Silthilar Recovery (Su): When the subject drops below 1 hit point, but not below -9 hit points, this graft generates a pulse of magic healing that cures 4d8+20 points of damage. This ability can only be triggered once every 24 hours.
Xukhezur's ability scores each include a +5 inherit bonus.
Infusions: An artificer is not a spellcaster, but he does have the ability to imbue items with magical infusions. Infusions are neither arcane nor divine; they are drawn from the artificer infusion list (see Chapter 5: Magic). They function just like spells and follow all the rules for spells. For example, an infusion can be dispelled, it will not function in an antimagic area, and an artificer must make a Concentration check if injured while imbuing an item with an infusion.
An artificer can imbue an item with any infusion from the list without preparing the infusion ahead of time. Unlike a sorcerer or bard, he does not select a subset of the available infusions as his known infusions; he has access to every infusion on the list that is of a level he can use.
It is possible for an artificer to learn infusions that are not on the normal artificer infusion list. These might include ancient infusions he finds in the ruins of Xen'drik or secret infusions known only to the members of certain guilds or organizations. When he encounters such an infusion, an artificer can attempt to learn it by making a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level). If this check succeeds, he adds the infusion to his list. If not, he can try again when he gains another rank in Spellcraft, assuming he still has access to the new infusion.
To imbue an item with an infusion, an artificer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the infusion level (Int 11 for 1st-level infusions, Int 12 for 2nd-level infusions, and so forth). The save DC is Intelligence-based.
Like spellcasters, an artificer can use only a certain number of infusions of a particular level per day. His base daily infusion allotment is given on the accompanying table. In addition, he receives extra infusions per day if he has a sufficiently high Intelligence score (see Table 1—1: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells, page 8 of the Player's Handbook).
An artificer's infusions can only be imbued into an item or a construct (including warforged). He cannot, for example, simply imbue an ally with bull's strength. He must instead imbue that ability into an item his ally is wearing. The item then functions as a belt of giant strength for the duration of the infusion. He can, however, imbue bull's strength directly on a construct or a character with the living construct subtype, and infusions such as repair light damage and iron construct function only when imbued on such characters.
Many infusions have long casting times, often 1 minute or more. An artificer can spend 1 action point to imbue any infusion in 1 round (like a spell that takes 1 round to cast).
Like a spellcaster, an artificer can apply metamagic feats he knows to his infusions. Like a sorcerer, an artificer can apply a metamagic feat to an infusion spontaneously, but doing this requires extra time. An artificer can craft alchemical items as though he were a spellcaster.
An artificer cannot automatically use a spell trigger or spell completion item if the equivalent spell appears on his infusion list. For example, an artificer must still employ the Use Magic Device skill to use a wand of light, even though light appears on his infusion list.
Each day, an artificer must focus his mind on his infusions. He needs 8 hours of rest, after which he spends 15 minutes concentrating. During this period, the artificer readies his mind to hold his daily allotment of infusions. Without such a period of time to refresh himself, the character does not regain the infusion slots he used up the day before. Any infusions used within the last 8 hours count against the artificer's daily limit.
An artificer never requires a divine focus to imbue an item with an infusion. In cases where an infusion duplicates a spell that requires either a material component or a divine focus, or requires either an arcane focus or a divine focus, the artificer uses the arcane material component or arcane focus.
Craft Reserve: An artificer receives a pool of points he can spend instead of experience points when crafting a magic item. Each time the artificer gains a new level, he receives a new craft reserve; leftover points from the previous level do not carry over. If the points are not spent, they are lost. An artificer can also use his craft reserve to supplement the XP cost of the item he is making, taking a portion of the cost from his craft reserve and a portion from his own XP.
Artificer Knowledge: An artificer can make a special artificer knowledge check with a bonus equal to his artificer level + his Int modifier to detect whether a specific item has a magical aura.
The artificer must hold and examine the object for 1 minute. A successful check against DC 15 determines that the object has magical qualities, but does not reveal the specific powers of the item.
An artificer cannot take 10 or take 20 on this check. A particular item can only be examined in this fashion one time; if the check fails, the artificer can learn no more about that object.
Artisan Bonus: An artificer gains a +2 bonus on Use Magic Device checks to activate an item of a kind for which he has the prerequisite item creation feat. For example, an artificer who has the Craft Wand feat gains a +2 bonus on checks to use a spell from a wand.
Disable Trap: An artificer can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create the trap.
An artificer can use the "Disable Device"skills/disable-device/ skill to disarm magic traps. Usually the DC is 25 + the level of the spell used to create the trap.
An artificer who beats a trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with his party) without disarming it.
Item Creation (Ex): An artificer can create a magic item even if he does not have access to the spells that are prerequisites for the item. The artificer must make a successful Use Magic Device check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item. Thus, to make a 1st-level wand of magic missile, an artificer would need a Use Magic Device check result of 21 or higher.' To create a bottle of air (caster level 7th), he would need a check result of 27 or higher to emulate the water breathing prerequisite.
The artificer must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check—his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.
For purposes of meeting item prerequisites, an artificer's effective caster level equals his artificer level +2. If the item duplicates a spell effect, however, it uses the artificer's actual level as its caster level. Costs are always determined using the item's minimum caster level or the artificer's actual level (if it is higher). Thus, a 3rd-level artificer can make a scroll of fireball, since the minimum caster level for fireball is 5th. He pays the normal cost for making such a scroll with a caster level of 5th: 5 X 3 X 12.5 = 187 gp and 5 sp, plus 15 XP. But the scroll's actual caster level is only 3rd, and it produces a weak fireball that deals only 3d6 points of damage.
An artificer can also make Use Magic Device checks to emulate non-spell requirements, including alignment and race, using the normal DCs for the skill. He cannot emulate skill or feat requirements, however, including item creation feat prerequisites. He must meet the caster level prerequisite, including the minimum level to cast a spell he stores in a potion, wand, or scroll.
An artificer's infusions do not meet spell prerequisites for creating magic items. For example, an artificer must still employ the Use Magic Device skill to emulate the light spell to create a wand of light, even though light appears on his infusion list.
Magic items created by an artificer are considered neither arcane nor divine.
Bonus Feat: An artificer gains every item creation feat as a bonus feat at or near the level at which it becomes available to spellcasters. He gets Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat at 1st level, Brew Potion at 2nd level, Craft Wondrous Item at 3rd level, Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 5th level, Craft Wand at 6th level, Craft Rod at 9th level, Craft Staff at 12th level, and Forge Ring at 14th level.
In addition, an artificer gains a bonus feat at 4th level and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th). For each of these bonus feats, the artificer must choose a metamagic feat or a feat from the following list: Attune Magical Weapon, Craft Construct (see the Monster Manual, page 303), Exceptional Artisan, Extra Rings, Extraordinary Artisan, Legendary Artisan, Wand Mastery.
Craft Homunculus (Ex): At 4th level, an artificer can create a homunculus as if he had the Craft Construct feat. He must emulate the spell requirements (arcane eye, mending, and mirror image) as normal for making a magic item, and he must pay all the usual gold and XP costs (though he can spend points from his craft reserve). An artificer can also upgrade an existing homunculus that he owns, adding 1 Hit Die at a cost of 2,000 gp and 160 XP.
If an artificer gives his homunculus more than 6 Hit Dice, it becomes a Small creature and advances as described in the Monster Manual (+4 Str, —2 Dex, damage increases to Id6). The homunculus also gains 10 extra hit points for being a Small construct.
An artificer's homunculus can have as many Hit Dice as its master's Hit Dice minus 2. No matter how many Hit Dice it has, a homunculus never grows larger than Small.
Retain Essence (Su): At 5th level, an artificer gains the ability to salvage the XP from a magic item and use those points to create another magic item. The artificer must spend a day with the item, and he must also have the appropriate item creation feat for the item he is salvaging. After one day, the item is destroyed and the artificer adds the XP it took to create the item to his craft reserve. These points are lost if the artificer does not use them before gaining his next level.
For example, an artificer wants to retain the essence of a wand of summon monster IV that has 20 charges. Originally created (like all wands) with 50 charges, it required 840 XP when initially made, or 16.8 XP (840 – 50) per charge. The artificer is able to recover the XP from the remaining charges. He puts 336 XP (16.8 X 20) into his craft reserve.
AC Bonus (Ex): Xukhezur may add his Intelligence bonus to Armor Class, so long as he is unencumbered and is wearing light or no armor, and is not using a shield. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when he is flat-footed. However, he loses this bonus when she is immobilized or helpless.
Swordsage Maneuvers Readied: You can ready four of your six maneuvers known at 1st level, and as you advance in level and learn more maneuvers, you are able to ready more, but you must still choose which maneuvers to ready. You ready your maneuvers by meditating and exercising for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose remain readied until you decide to meditate again and change them. You need not sleep or rest for any long period of time to ready your maneuvers; any time you spend 5 minutes in meditation, you can change your readied maneuvers. You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them. When you initiate a maneuver, you expend it for the current encounter, so each of your readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (unless you recover them, as described below).
You can recover an expended maneuver by using a full-round action to quickly meditate. Doing this does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you complete your meditation, you can choose one expended maneuver to refresh. It is now available for use in a subsequent round.
Swordsage Stances Known: You begin play with knowledge of one 1st-level stance from any discipline open to you. At 2nd, 5th, 9th, 14th, and 20th level, you can choose additional stances. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended, and you do not have to ready them. All the stances you know are available to you at all times, and you can change the stance you currently use as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description.
Unlike with maneuvers, you cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one you already know.
Discipline Focus (Ex): As a swordsage, you can focus your training to take advantage of each discipline's fighting style. Each time you gain the discipline focus ability, select one of the six swordsage disciplines to which that focus applies. You can select a different discipline each time you gain discipline focus, but you must know at least one martial maneuver from the selected discipline. Even if you select a different discipline at higher levels, your discipline choice for earlier abilities does not change.
This focus manifests in the following ways.
Weapon Focus: At 1st level, you gain the benefit of the Weapon Focus feat for weapons associated with the chosen discipline. See the discipline descriptions in Chapter 4.
Insightful Strikes: At 4th level, you can add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus on damage rolls whenever you execute a strike from the chosen discipline. At 12th level, you can choose a second discipline to which this ability applies.
Defensive Stance: At 8th level, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws whenever you adopt a stance from the chosen discipline. At 16th level, you can choose a second discipline to which this ability applies.
You gain a +2 bonus on Martial Lore checks made regarding a maneuver in a discipline in which you have discipline focus.
Quick to Act (Ex): You gain a +1 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.
Warblade Maneuvers Readied: You can ready all three of the maneuvers you know at 1st level, but as you advance in level and learn more maneuvers, you must choose which maneuvers to ready. You ready your maneuvers by exercising for 5 minutes. The maneuvers you choose remain readied until you decide to exercise again and change them. You need not sleep or rest for any long period of time to ready your maneuvers; any time you spend 5 minutes in practice, you can change your readied maneuvers. You begin an encounter with all your readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times you might have already used them since you chose them. When you initiate a maneuver, you expend it for the current encounter, so each of your readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (until you recover them, as described below). You can recover all expended maneuvers with a single swift action, which must be immediately followed in the same round with a melee attack or using a standard action to do nothing else in the round (such as executing a quick, harmless flourish with your weapon). You cannot initiate a maneuver or change your stance while you are recovering your expended maneuvers, but you can remain in a stance in which you began your turn.
Warblade Stances Known: You begin play with knowledge of one 1st level stance from any discipline open to warblades. At 4th, 10th, and 16th level, you can choose additional stances. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended, and you do not have to ready them. All the stances you know are available to you at all times, and you can change the stance you are currently using as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description. Unlike with maneuvers, you cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one you already know.
Battle Clarity (Ex): You can enter a state of almost mystical awareness of the battlefield around you. As long as you are not flat-footed, you gain an insight bonus equal to your Intelligence bonus (maximum equals your warblade level) on your Reflex saves.
Inspiration: The factotum is a dabbler, a professional explorer who plunders a wide variety of fields to find the tools he needs to survive. He reads through tomes of arcane magic to gain a basic understanding of spells. He offers prayers to a variety of deities to gain their blessings. He observes warrior stances and exercises to understand the art of fighting. But while a factotum learns many paths, he masters none of them. Rather than train in a given field, he masters all the basics and manages to pull out something useful when the situation is desperate enough.
To represent this seemingly random body of knowledge, a factotum gains inspiration points that he can spend to activate his abilities. At the beginning of each encounter, he gains a number of inspiration points determined by his level (3 points at 3rd level).
Cunning Insight (Ex): Before making an attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a competence bonus on the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier. Cunning insight does not require an action, and you can use it as often as you wish during your turn or others’ turns—provided that you have the inspiration points to spend. Because this ability provides a competence bonus, it does not stack with itself.
Cunning Knowledge (Ex): When making a check involving a skill in which you have at least 1 rank, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain a bonus on the check equal to your factotum level. You can use this ability once per day for a particular skill. For example, if you use cunning knowledge to gain a bonus on a Hide check, you cannot use the ability to improve other Hide checks for the rest of the day, though you can use it on different skills.
Arcane Dilettante (Sp): At 2nd level, you acquire a vague understanding of magic. You know that with a few weird hand gestures and an array of grunts and bizarre words, you can conjure up something that looks like a spell. By spending 1 inspiration point, you can mimic a spell as a spell-like ability.
At the start of each day, choose a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list based on your factotum level. You can choose one spell at 2nd level, and you gain additional spells as shown on Table 1–1. The maximum level of spell you can use, according to your class level, is also shown on the table. You can select any sorcerer/wizard spell up to that level, but you can prepare only one spell of your maximum level. Your caster level equals your level in this character class. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against your spell is 10 + the spell level + your Int modifier.
Once you have used a spell, you cannot use it again until you have rested for 8 hours. After resting for this time, you choose new spells and lose any unused spells from the previous day, though you can select the same spell on consecutive days. You cannot prepare the same spell multiple times to use it more than once during the same day.
You cannot use spells that require an XP cost. You must otherwise provide the necessary material components as normal.
If you wish to enhance a spell with a metamagic feat, you must apply the feat when you prepare the spell. In addition, you must be capable of using a spell of the modified spell’s level.
Brains over Brawn (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain your Intelligence bonus as a modifier on Strength checks, Dexterity checks, and checks involving skills based on Strength or Dexterity, such as Hide, Climb, and Jump.
Cunning Defense (Ex): You study your opponents and learn to anticipate their attacks. Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 inspiration point to gain your Intelligence bonus as a dodge bonus to Armor Class against one opponent for 1 round. Using this ability is a free action. You gain this benefit even while wearing medium or heavy armor. You can use this ability multiple times to gain a bonus against different opponents, but you cannot use it more than once during your turn against a single foe.
SOME GEAR ON PERSON (already included in stat block) Protomorphic Jump Suit (w/ Magic Vestment infusion) SOME "PROTOMORPHIC REPLICAS" ON PERSON Headband of Epic Intellect (head slot, +8 ehancement bonus to Intelligence) Superior Bracers of Balanced Hands (arms slot) Casting Gloves (hands slot) Drazzik's Vest (torso slot, +5 to existing spell resistance) Mantle of the Dark (shoulders slot, grants Dark template) Magesight Goggles (face slot, as arcane sight and battlemagic perception) Marathon Boots (feet slot, grant the Run and Endurance feats) Ring of Ages (ring slot, via Kissed by the Ages) Ring of Evasion (ring slot, made of black dragonbone) Belt of Comfort (waist slot, endure elements to allies within 30', +5 resistance bonus to saves) +1 Necklace of Natural Weapons (throat slot) (affects unarmed strikes and up to 2 natural weapons) ghost touch (+1) = strikes incorporeal and ethereal creatures without miss chance shadow striking (+3) = overcomes damage reduction of any alignment or material
kinetic discharging (+4) = throw force of melee attacks using weapon
(as a thrown ranged weapon with a 100 ft. range increment)
distance (+1) = range increment doubled
greater anchoring (+40k) = any creature struck by the weapon... ...is affected as though by dimensional anchor for 1 minute SOME MEDIEVAL GEAR ON HIS "PROTOMORPHIC DEMIPLANE" +1 Oerthblooded Obdurium Katana & Short Sword hideaway (+2k) = shrinks down to fit inside hand as a free action shadow striking (+3) = overcomes damage reduction of any alignment or material
kinetic discharging (+4) = throw force of melee attacks using weapon
sizing (+1) = change size as standard action(as a thrown ranged weapon with a 100 ft. range increment) distance (+1) = range increment doubled greater anchoring (+40k) = any creature struck by the weapon... ...is affected as though by dimensional anchor for 1 minute SOME FUTURE GEAR ON HIS "PROTOMORPHIC DEMIPLANE" Oscillating Concussive ElectroStun Monomolecular Edged mastercraft +3 Oerthblooded Obdurium Katana & Short Sword Attacks rolls with each of these weapons gain a +3 equipment bonus. Both can be toggled on or off simultaneously as free or immediate action. When on, the katana deals 8d8 base slashing damage, +1d10 concussion damage, +1d10 electricity damage, and stuns any living target struck for 1d4 rounds if it fails fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 base damage dealt). When on, the short sword deals 6d6 base slashing damage, +1d6 concussion damage, +1d6 electricity damage, and stuns any living target struck for 1d4 rounds if it fails fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 base damage dealt). These weapons also possess the same magical characteristics as the medieval katana and short sword previously shown. |
SILTHILAR TISSUE GRAFTS (already included in stat block, from LoM 216 & here)
Healing Blood
Fast Healing 2
Silthilar Bones
+2 Constitution
Flexible Spine
+4 racial bonus to Initiative, Balance, Escape Artist and Tumble checks
Rudimentary Eyespots
+4 "racial?" bonus to Spot checks. Cannot be flanked.
Silthilar Tendons
+2 Dexterity
Silthilar Muscles
+2 Strength
Silthilar Heart
Silthilar Recovery (Su): When the subject drops below 1 hit point, but not below -9 hit points, this graft generates a pulse of magic healing that cures 4d8+20 points of damage. This ability can only be triggered once every 24 hours.
PROTOMORPHIC MINION (typically left on Xukhezur's protomorphic demiplane)
Small N Construct
Init +9; Senses All-Around Vision, Darkvision 500 ft.,
Scent, Superior Low-light Vision, See in darkness, Farsight, see invisibility, true seeing*, Listen +30, Spot +34;
Languages All of those known by its creator when created;
AC 31, touch 21, flat-footed 31
(+5 Dex, +10 natural, +1 size, +5 Wis);
hp 140 (20d10+30)
Fort +14, Ref +19, Will +19; SR CL + 10 (up to HD + 20);
DR 15/magic and adamantine Defensive Abilities AC Bonus, Evasion, Fast Healing 1, Mettle, Uncanny Dodge;
Immune blindness, deafness, construct traits,
involuntary polymorph effects, petrification; Resist acid 15, cold 15, electricity 15, fire 15, force 15, sonic 15 OFFENSE Full Melee astral waraxe +20/+15/+10 (1d10+5/x3) and astral spiked light shield +20/+15/+10 (1d6+2) Standard Ranged astral waraxe +22 (1d10+5/x3)
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.;
Base Atk +15; Grp +20;Spell-like Abilities (CL equals creator's unmodified CL when created) Constant—foresight*, freedom of movement*, haste*, mind blank, see invisibility, true seeing*; At will—augment object, glory of the martyr, mystic aegis, unseen crafter (up to one per HD at a time), 3/day—greater levitate, make whole, mass repair light damage, sending (standard action), xorn movement (self only); (*available only while on creator's protomorphic demiplane) STATISTICS
Str 21, Dex 21, Con —, Int 32, Wis 21, Cha 7
Feats Air Heritage, Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting, Greater Multi-Weapon Fighting, Combat Expertise, Improved Combat Expertise, Allied Defense; Bonus Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Brutal Throw, Clever Wrestling, Combat Reflexes, Exceptional Artisan, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Run, Throw Anything, Tunnel Fighting, Weapon Finesse;
Skills Balance +30, Concentration +35, Craft (any six) +30, Climb +13,
Diplomacy +1, Disable Device +34, Escape Artist +25, Forgery +30, Hide +28, Jump +8, Knowledge (architecture and engineering, technology) +30, Listen +30, Move Silently +28, Psicraft +30, Search +25, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +30, Spot +34, Swim +13, Tumble +30; Synergy +3 Balance, +3 Diplomacy, +3 Jump, +2 Tumble Racial Modifiers +12 Concentration, +4 Search, +4 Spot
SQ Ability Scores, Astral Armaments, Command, Effective Hit Dice,
Efficiency (+1k/day), Epic Efficiency (+8k/day), Gravity Field, Item Creation, Outsider Saves and Skills, Planar Body, Powerful Build, Reaving Strikes, Stability, Steady, Tempered; Ability Scores (Ex): Each of a protomorphic minion's Strength, Dexterity and Wisdom scores each equal to 11 plus 1/2 its Hit Dice (rounded down), while its Intelligence score equals its creator's highest unmodified mental ability score (minimum 11) at the time of its creation. AC Bonus (Ex): A protomorphic minion may add its Wisdom bonus to Armor Class, so long as it is unencumbered and is wearing light or no armor. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when it is flat-footed. However, it loses this bonus when it is immobilized or helpless. All-Around Vision (Ex): A protomorphic minion cannot be flanked, and gains a +4 bonus to Search and Spot checks. However, it suffers a -4 penalty on saves against gaze attacks. Astral Armaments (Ex): Once per round as an immediate or free action, a protomorphic minion may fill each hand with a masterwork melee weapon or a masterwork spiked shield appropriate to its size, created out of stabilized protomatter. These objects can strike incorporeal creatures normally, function as through made of adamantine and persist until no longer attended by the minion for more than 1 round. A protomorphic minion is always proficient with its astral armaments and may use this ability to produce the masterwork tools needed for any Craft or Profession skill checks. Command (Ex): As long as the its orders don't conflict with those given by their creator, a protomorphic minion may command and direct other constructs in its creator's stead. Darkvision (Ex): The range of a protomorphic minion's darkvision in feet, equals 100 plus 20 times its Hit Dice. Efficiency (Ex): A protomorphic minion creating any magic item may expand its daily progress by an additional amount of gp equal to 10 times its Hit Dice squared, to a maximum of +1000gp. Epic Efficiency (Ex): A protomorphic minion creating any magic item may expand its daily progress by an additional amount of gp equal to (80 x (its Hit Dice - 10) + 800) multiplied by (its Hit Dice - 10) and divided by 2, to a maximum of +8,000gp. Effective Hit Dice (Ex): For the purpose of spells and effects that function based on Hit Dice a protomorphic minion uses its creator's total at the time of its creation. Farsight (Ex): A protomorphic minion has great visual acuity. It suffers only half the normal penalty on Spot checks because of distance (-1 per 20 feet of distance, rather than -1 per 10 feet). In addition, it takes only half the normal penalty on ranged attacks per range increment (-1 per range increment, rather than -2). Gravity Field (Ex): A protomorphic minion produces a gravity field around itself in order to fly at a speed of 20 ft. with perfect maneuverability. When flying in this manner, it gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Move Silently checks, and may fly with no more than a heavy load. Item Creation (Su): A protomorphic minion can perform the daily tasks related to item creation on behalf of its creator. Its creator must meet (or emulate) all the prerequisites to create the desired item normally, and pays the gold and XP cost himself. The only cost a protomorphic minion can help with is time. The creator spends 1 hour initiating the process, channeling the spell prerequisites into the protomorphic minion, and paying the XP cost to make the item. He may then leave, allowing the minion to carry the process through to completion. Outsider Saves and Skills (Ex): For the purpose of saving throws and skill points, protomorphic minion is an Outsider with the following class skills. Balance, Craft, Concentration, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (architecture and engineering, technology), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Psicraft, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim and Tumble. Planar Body (Ex): A protomorphic minion's natural armor bonus equals 1/2 its hit dice (rounded down) and is effective against incorporeal and ethereal creatures. It may strike incorporeal and ethereal creatures with its natural attacks and unarmed strikes normally without miss chance. The construct can even grapple incorporeal and ethereal creatures normally, and such creatures cannot pass through it. Powerful Build (Ex): Whenever it is advantageous, a protomorphic minion is treated as being one size larger than it really is, for the purpose of opposed checks and abilities that function based on size. In addition, the minion may wield weapons one size larger than its own size, without penalty. Reaving Strikes (Ex): A protoplasmic minion's natural attacks, unarmed strikes and Astral Armaments overcome magic-based and all forms of metallic-based damage reduction. Stability (Ex): A protomorphic minion gains a +4 bonus to resist bull rush, overrun, and trip attempts made against it, but only while it is standing on a firm, solid surface. Steady (Ex): A protomorphic minion's speed is not reduced when carrying a medium or heavy load, or when wearing medium or heavy armor. Tempered (Ex): A protomorphic minion's damage reduction and energy resistances each equal 5 plus 1/2 its Hit Dice (rounded down). DESCRIPTION Typically about 4 feet tall and weighing in at about 120 lbs, a protomorphic minion looks like an astral construct, in the form of a hefty, broad dwarf with webbed digits. Protomorphic minions are typically used by mechamancers to attend to their projects and other constructs back home. They are also capable of mining and excavation activities, and are useful in hostile environments. These constructs can also serve as bodyguards in a pinch, though they typically lack the necessary hit points. |
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