d20 Future Extrapolations


Oscillating (Ex): Inside the blade itself, and controlled by a switch on the hilt of the weapon, are microscopic machines that cause the blade to vibrate at incredibly high speeds. Though the wielder of the weapon is shielded from these vibrations by a soft hilt, any character or object struck by the high frequency weapon finds that the weapon is given extra cutting power thanks to its technological enhancements.
This ability can be applied to any masterwork slashing weapon, causing it to deal damage as if it were one size larger than it really is.

Mono-Edge (Ex): This ability can be applied to any masterwork slashing weapon, causing it to deal damage as if it were four sizes larger than it really is.

Electro (Ex): This ability can be added to any conductive masterwork weapon, causing it to deal additional electricity damage equal to the unmodified base damage of the weapon.

Impact (Ex): This weapon has one or more miniature artificial gravity generators embedded within it, which increase in mass at the instant of impact.
This ability can be added to any masterwork weapon, causing it to deal additional concussion damage equal to the unmodified base damage of the weapon.

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