Imaskari NPCs

The following NPCs are affiliated with the imaskari enclaves (index).

Ambassador Dravad Krezuvyr is a lean 6’1” imaskari male with ashen skin, gray eyes, short white hair, black great coat and tall boots. He's never far from his holocom bracer and other communication devices.

The Humans of Ardotia

Selectively bred and manipulated using shamanistic magic over countless generations by their own cutthroat meritocratic warrior culture, the isolated humans of Ardotia have only recently been discovered and programmed into service by more technologically advanced and magically adept cultures.

  • Humanoid (Human): Ardotians appear very much the same as typical humans.
  • +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, ardotians have no special bonuses or penalties
  • Ardotian base land speed is 50 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: An ardotian can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Darkvision: Ardotians can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and ardotians can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Weapon Group Proficiency: Ardotians are proficient with any one group of weapons in addition to any others.
  • +1 racial bonus to natural armor.
  • +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Ardotian.
  • Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass ardotian’s barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty.
  • Level Adjustment: +2.
Ardotian Racial and Regional Feats:
Battle Hardened (RoS 137)

Imaskari Plasmahead Missiles

Plasmahead missiles are often employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). The launching vessel will use its own sensors and targeting systems to assist each missile by remote to its intended target. As a missile approaches its intended target, it is then directed to prime its payload and surround itself with a high energy, super-dense plasma barrier bound by gravitic and magnetic fields, leaving only the aft portion of the missile uncovered. These barriers not only help protect the missiles in transit, but also add to the damage and depth they achieve upon impact, prior to detonation.

When excess plasma is generated from a missile impacting an atmosphere at ultrasonic speeds, that plasma is held in abeyance by the gravitic and magnetic fields surrounding the missile. The missile will adapt as needed, producing less of its own plasma while diverting more power into the reinforcement of its external fields, with any excess plasma flowing along the barrier and weeping clear of the missile itself.

Each missile is fitted with a miniaturized matter-antimatter or particle fusion reactor, along with miniaturized induction engines and a minor Alcubierre drive that only add to the energy released upon detonation. The payload stored in each missile, typically involves a gravitic nova burst or a concentrated mass reaction.

Additional information to come.

Imaskari Inkling Interceptors

Inkling interceptors are often employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). Swift, agile, stealthy, perceptive and heavily armed, these vessels can extend and retract their wings independently as they move to perform a variety of additional stunts. Equally supreme at atmospheric and interstellar flight, they can outmaneuver nearly any other manned craft, especially when linked to a properly secured pilot. (see Image)

Additional information to come.

Imaskari Jumpgate Tagtrios

Jumpgate tagtrios are sometimes employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). Units of three identical vessels with concave undersides, they can can align their wings end to end and form a ring between them, a ring wide enough to accommodate almost any imaskari vessel passing through it. Once calibrated, a tagtrio can open a temporary wormhole in this ring to a distant destination. (see Image)
  • These vessels are considered objects, and are placed under the effect of various spells as often as can be arranged. 
  • The effective size of each vessel is Colossal. Wind speeds and water currents affect each vessel as if it were three sizes larger than it actually is.
  • Layered cermet matrix armor plating.
  • Sealed against extreme and hostile environments.
  • Electromagnetic, temperature and radioactivity resistant insulation.
  • Inertial dampeners and surplus converters.
  • A jumpdrive aboard each vessel, when fully charged, can create and maintain a temporary wormhole through which the ship then travels, reducing the distance it needs to cover in order to reach a given destination. Once inside the wormhole, the ship must continue to its exit or drop out of it, requiring that the jumpdrive be recharged again afterwards. The course of any given wormhole must be calculated prior to its creation, from existing knowledge of the areas surrounding it.
  • When active, an Alcubierre drive on each vessel, surrounds it in a field that warps and wrinkles the fabric of space in the direction the pilot wishes to travel. This reduces the actual distance the ship needs to travel to reach a given destination, without increasing the vessel's actual velocity beyond that provided by its engines.
  • Induction engines on each vessel, provide it with swift and silent propulsion through the manipulation of artificial gravity.
  • When active, cloaking screens warp light and energy about each vessel, rendering them invisible to sight and most other sensors, or at least harder to notice, locate or identify. These vessels cannot maintain a jumpgate and employ their cloaking screens at the same time.
  • When active, various gravitic, magnetic, and particle fields on each vessel help deflect ballistic projectiles and disperse energy from energy-based projectile weapons. However, they cannot be used in conjunction with cloaking screens without giving the vessel's position away to other sensor arrays.
  • An advanced sensor array on each vessel includes, among other things, hi-res video and audio, electromagnetic sensors, spectroanalyzers, multiphase radar, mass detectors, piercing visors and biomed scanners. These sensors also feed into advanced autopilot and targeting systems.
  • Each vessel includes EMP-shielded AI core processors, data drives and restoration systems with hack-defense encryption and wipe protocols.
  • Each vessel derives power from an EMP-shielded system that includes supercapacitor arrays composed of carbon-nanotube papers, recharged from energy produced by a variety of matter-antimatter and particle fusion reactors.
  • Compact ansibles and various transceivers facilitate communications between each vessel and other devices, while various holocom devices can both record and display both visual and auditory content for face to face interactions throughout the vessel.
Additional information to come.

Imaskari Gravitic Cosmocannons

Gravitic cosmocannons are rarely employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). Vessels of extreme length built around their singular primary armament, they are more than equal to the task of emitting beams of various quantum particles and super-dense short-lived chains of artificially compounded neutronic mass, at speeds approaching the speed of light. These chains are sent hurtling through their targets, similar to having the mass of mountains pass through them in the form of long strands of hair. (see Image)
  • These vessels are considered objects, and are placed under the effect of various spells as often as can be arranged.
  • The effective size of each vessel is Colossal. Wind speeds and water currents affect each vessel as if it were three sizes larger than it actually is.
  • Layered cermet matrix armor plating.
  • Sealed against extreme and hostile environments.
  • Electromagnetic, temperature and radioactivity resistant insulation.
  • Inertial dampeners and surplus converters.
  • A jumpdrive aboard each vessel, when fully charged, can create and maintain a temporary wormhole through which the ship then travels, reducing the distance it needs to cover in order to reach a given destination. Once inside the wormhole, the ship must continue to its exit or drop out of it, requiring that the jumpdrive be recharged again afterwards. The course of any given wormhole must be calculated prior to its creation, from existing knowledge of the areas surrounding it.
  • When active, an Alcubierre drive on each vessel, surrounds it in a field that warps and wrinkles the fabric of space in the direction the pilot wishes to travel. This reduces the actual distance the ship needs to travel to reach a given destination, without increasing the vessel's actual velocity beyond that provided by its engines.
  • Induction engines on each vessel, provide it with swift and silent propulsion through the manipulation of artificial gravity.
  • When active, cloaking screens warp light and energy about these vessels, rendering them invisible to sight and most other sensors, or at least harder to notice, locate or identify. These vessels cannot discharge their main weapon and employ their cloaking screens at the same time.
  • When active, various gravitic, magnetic, and particle fields on each vessel help deflect ballistic projectiles and disperse energy from energy-based projectile weapons. However, they cannot be used in conjunction with cloaking screens without giving the vessel's position away to other sensor arrays.
  • An advanced sensor array on each vessel includes, among other things, hi-res video and audio, electromagnetic sensors, spectroanalyzers, multiphase radar, mass detectors, piercing visors and biomed scanners. These sensors also feed into advanced autopilot and targeting systems.
  • Each vessel includes EMP-shielded AI core processors, data drives and restoration systems with hack-defense encryption and wipe protocols.
  • Each vessel derives power from an EMP-shielded system that includes supercapacitor arrays composed of carbon-nanotube papers, recharged from energy produced by a variety of matter-antimatter and particle fusion reactors.
  • Compact ansibles and various transceivers facilitate communications between each vessel and other devices, while various holocom devices can both record and display both visual and auditory content for face to face interactions throughout the vessel.
Additional information to come.

Oruks of Elementia

Oruk Template -- Under Construction

An Ourk is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid with the orc subtype.

CR: Same as the base creature +1.
LA: Same as the base creature +2.
Alignment: Any
Size/Type: The creature's size remains the same, while their type changes to Monstrous Humanoid.
Senses: Same as the base creature, plus Darkvision out to 120 feet, Superior Low-Light Vision and Scent.
AC: Same as the base creature, plus a +1 increase to its natural armor bonus.
hp: Same as the base creature plus Fast Healing 1, Regeneration 1 and Damage Reduction 2/adamantine.
Immune: Same as base creature, plus disease.
Resist: Same as base creature, plus resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5.
Fort, Ref, Will: Same as base creature, plus a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poison and disease.
Weaknesses: Add the following.

Protein X Dependency (Ex): An oruk can go without a dose of protein X for one day plus a number of hours equal to their Constitution score. Afterwards they must make a constitution check each hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous success) or suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to each ability score. Any penalty incurred due to this dependency ends 1 minute after a dose of protein X is once again introduced.

Speed: Same as base creature, with an increase of 10 feet to each movement speed except burrow.
Melee: Same as base creature, plus the following natural weapons:

Two primary slam attacks dealing 1d6 base damage at medium size. If the creature already has two or more slam attacks, they deal a minimum of 1d6 base damage at medium size.

Special Attacks/Actions: Same as the base creature, plus the following.

Reaving Strikes (Ex): The natural weapons of an oruk overcome all forms of damage reduction based on a metallic material.

Abilities: Change from base creature as follows: Str +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2
Special Qualities: Same as the base creature and add the following.

Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of oruks lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever an oruk is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the oruk is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A oruk is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. An oruk can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
Regeneration (Ex): Acid and fire deal normal damage to an oruk. An oruk that loses a limb or body part can reattach it by holding the severed member to the stump. Reattachment takes 5 minutes. If the head or some other vital organ is severed, it must be reattached within 10 minutes or the creature dies. An oruk cannot regrow lost body parts.

Feats: Same as the base creature, plus Daylight Adaptation, Diehard, Endurance, Mind Over Body, Rapid Metabolism, Steadfast Determination as racial bonus feats.
Skills: Same as base creature, plus a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.

Imaskari Leadership

Typically, new imaskari enclaves (index) and settlements are established by an imaskari arcanist capable of raising a mythal bearing his or her name, as well as leading a group of supporters and would be immigrants. Most enclaves are then governed by an elected council of qualified wizards (and technologists) known as Planners, chief among them being the High Planner, Enacter and Apprehender. Although the High Planner is chosen by the council to rule alone, the chosen Enacter and Apprehender have the power to put decisions to a council vote if they both disagree with the High Planner's decree. The primary arcanist responsible for researching and raising an enclave's mythal, is always given a position on the council if they so desire.

Although nearly every enclave is currently allied under drafted articles as the Imaskari Accord, to often partner and coordinate with one another, each of them vary in some ways from the next.

Additional information to come.

Vessel and Vehicle Spells

The following spells were designed to extend upon the precedent of a few other 3.5 D&D spells that are uniquely capable of targeting an entire ship. The first spell in this series, is based upon augment object (SBG).

Augment Vessel
Level: Magewright 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle
Duration: 24 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

Every portion of the affected subject and all objects on board at the time of casting, have their break DCs increased by +20 and their hardness and hit points doubled. The affected subject and objects may also make saving throws when unattended as if they were magic items (save bonus equals 2 + caster level). This spell ends for objects that leave the subject vessel or vehicle.

Planarstatic Vessel
Level: Magewright 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle touched
Duration: 24 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

As zone of respite (SpC 244), except this spell affects every portion of the target and all interior spaces within it.

Undetectable Vessel
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)

As nondetection (PH 257), except this spell affects every portion of the target, along with all creatures and objects on board at the time of casting. This spell ends for any creature or object that leaves the subject vessel or vehicle.

Imaskari Soldiers

Rank and file combat soldiers employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index) are typically trained in wilderness survival and scouting, as well as firearms, blades, maces, martial arts and grenades.

Oscillating monoedge blades of varying materials and sizes, are common accessories among imaskari combat soldiers.

In the vacuum of space and other hostile environments, imaskari personnel wear fully-sealed and insulated survival suits with various miniaturized devices built into them, with the purposes of homeostasis, communication, navigation, scanning, propulsion, locomotion and defense being chief among them.
  • Survival suits include segmented cermet matrix helmets with neural sensor interfaces and face shields composed of transition ceramics, that can produce holographic heads up displays.
  • Small shielded backpacks contain most of the power cells used to help power the other various devices incorporated as part of any given survival suit.
  • Various induction modules are available with most survival suits, for the wearer to use in performing various aerial and stellar maneuvers through the manipulation of artificial gravity.

To help mitigate the fact that imaskari are slightly less nimble and coordinated than other races, they may also wear a layer of protective hybrid fabrics steeped in shear thickening gels, over their survival suits. For further protection, soldiers will also wear articulated suits of segmented cermet matrix armor, fitted to accommodate all underlying equipment.

When considering their appearance, the cermet matrix helmets and armor worn by imaskari combat soldiers, may closely resemble those worn by General Zod and his heavy combat soldiers in the movie Man of Steel.

Proficiency with other technological devices vary from soldier to soldier in any given combat unit.

Additional information to come.