I recently started working on some new vestiges, based on heroes from Starcraft and Warcraft. Until I have more to say here on the subject, you can find them on the Giant in the Playground forums, at the following link.
Starcraft and Warcraft Hero Vestiges
Defiant Defender PrC (2)
Used as bodyguards and point soldiers, these individuals are often highly trained and motivated to make sure enemies have to get through them first. Capable of anticipating and reacting to danger at a moment's notice, they are also adept at measuring up a situation and those involved.
To qualify to become an defiant defender, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Listen 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks
Feats: Combat Reflexes and one other feat from the list of fighter bonus feats
To qualify to become an defiant defender, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Listen 4 ranks, Spot 4 ranks
Feats: Combat Reflexes and one other feat from the list of fighter bonus feats
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special |
1st | +1 | +2 | +2 | +2 | Reactive, Disruptive, Crossfire Ken, Undying Toughness, Steady |
2nd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Elude Touch, Lunging Menace |
3rd | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | Holding Ground, Defensive Feature |
4th | +4 | +4 | +4 | +4 | None Shall Pass, None Shall Flee |
5th | +5 | +4 | +4 | +4 | Proactive, Sure Grasp |
6th | +6 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Interference |
7th | +7 | +5 | +5 | +5 | Contingency Plans |
8th | +8 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Defensive Feature |
9th | +9 | +6 | +6 | +6 | Intercept Style |
10th | +10 | +7 | +7 | +7 | Impetuous Endurance |
Hit Die: d12
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Perform (weapon drill), Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, Tumble.
All the following are class features of the defiant defender prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Defiant defenders gain no proficiency with any weapon, armor or shield.
Reactive (Ex) A defiant defender may add his class level to the number of attacks of opportunity he can make in one round.
Disruptive (Ex) As far as a defiant defender sees fit, any number of opponents he threatens suffer a penalty equal to 1 + half his class level (rounded down) on all skill checks, as well as on all attack rolls made against targets other than the defiant defender himself and his gear. Opponents become aware of this effect while they are aware of being threatened by the defiant defender.
Crossfire Ken (Ex) Except when helpless, a defiant defender and his position never provide any opponent with cover against any attack made by one of his allies.
Undying Toughness (Ex) A defiant defender without a Constitution score, may increase his maximum hit point total by an amount equal to his class level multiplied by his Charisma bonus (if any).
Steady (Ex) Whenever a defiant defender uses a standard action to perform or ready a move action or any other action that involves making a melee attack roll, he may then assume the penalties and benefits of fighting defensively until the start of his next turn. Any penalty a defiant defender suffers on attacks of opportunity due to fighting defensively, is reduced by an amount equal to half his class level (rounded down), down to a minimum of 0.
Alternatively, if the standard action is used to perform or ready a move action only, the defiant defender may then assume the penalties and benefits of a total defense (instead of fighting defensively) and still make attacks of opportunity at a –10 penalty, reducing that penalty by an amount equal to his class level, down to a minimum of 0.
In either case, a defiant defender with the Combat Expertise feat, may use it as part of this ability.
A readied action occurs just before the action that triggered it, and if the triggering action then provokes an attack of opportunity from the defiant defender, he may make that attack of opportunity normally.
Elude Touch (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, a defiant defender's instincts begin to supersede his intellect, alerting him to danger from touch attacks (including rays). He gains a bonus to Armor Class against all touch attacks equal to half his class level (rounded down); however, his touch AC can never exceed his Armor Class against normal attacks.
Lunging Menace (Ex) By 2nd level, whenever a defiant defender uses the Intimidate or Perform (weapon drill) skill in an attempt to demoralize a single foe he threatens, he may do so as a swift action. If using either of these skills as a standard action, he may attempt to demoralize a maximum number of foes he threatens, equal to his class level. Whenever a defiant defender successfully demoralizes a foe, it remains shaken for a number of rounds equal to half his class level (rounded down) or until that foe witnesses the defiant defender rendered helpless or dead.
Holding Ground (Ex) For every two class levels gained beyond the first, a defiant defender gains a cumulative +1 bonus (up to a maximum of +4) on Escape Artist checks and on opposed rolls made to avoid or resist bull rush, disarm, feint, grapple, overrun, sunder and trip attempts made against him. In addition, the defiant defender gains an equal dodge bonus to AC against charge attacks and attacks of opportunity made against him. He also gains an equal bonus on saving throws against fear.
Defensive Feature: At 3rd level and again at 8th level, a defiant defender may choose to gain one of the following:
Armor Mastery (Ex) As per the knight's class feature (PH2 24). A defiant defender with two instances of this ability from any source, may apply its benefit to medium and heavy armor.
Bulwark of Defense (Ex) As per the knight's class feature.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) As per the barbarian's class feature. A defiant defender with two instances of this ability from any source, gains Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Vigorous Recovery (Ex) A defiant defender gains Fast Healing 1. This ability recovers nonlethal damage normally, but cannot bring his current hit points above one-half his full normal hit point total (rounded up).
None Shall Pass (Ex) Starting at 4th level, whenever a defiant defender deals physical damage to an opponent with a melee attack of opportunity that the opponent provoked by moving through the area threatened by the defiant defender, the defiant defender may try and stop that opponent in its tracks.
If the defiant defender so wishes, the opponent struck must make a Reflex save (DC equals 10 + half his Hit Dice + his Strength modifier). The opponent gets a +2 bonus on the save for each size category it holds over the defiant defender or a –1 penalty for each size category the defiant defender holds over it. If the opponent fails the save, it loses the remainder of its action.
Alternatively, the defiant defender may attempt to trip the opponent struck by the attack of opportunity, without provoking an attack of opportunity against himself in turn. In this case, the defiant defender may use the opponent's momentum to his advantage, gaining a circumstance bonus equal to half his class level (rounded down), on the opposed ability check.
None Shall Flee (Ex) Starting at 4th level, any opponent threatened by a defiant defender, that takes any sort of movement, even a 5-ft step, provokes an attack of opportunity from him. Opponents may not use the withdraw action to treat the square they start in as no longer threatened by such a defiant defender.
Proactive (Ex) Starting at 5th level, a defiant defender's initiative count does not change when taking a readied action.
Sure Grasp (Ex) Starting at 5th level, if a defiant defender becomes stunned or panicked, he may choose not to drop whatever he is holding.
Interference (Ex) Starting at 6th level, before the defiant defender knows the result of a physical attack that he can perceive passing through or occurring within the area he threatens, be it melee or ranged, the defiant defender may use a melee attack of opportunity in an attempt to knock it off course. If the defiant defender's attack roll exceeds the incoming attack roll, the incoming attack suffers a 50% miss chance.
For each size category the enemy attacker holds over the defiant defender, the defiant defender suffers a –4 penalty on his attack of opportunity when using this ability. Unusually massive weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and attacks that don't involve a solid object or missile can't be affected. Attacks from incorporeal and ethereal enemies can't be affected unless the defiant defender possess a means of striking them with the attack of opportunity this ability allows, in which case he may suffer a miss chance (or not, if using a Ghost Touch weapon or wielding a force effect modeled after a melee weapon).
Contingency Plans (Ex) By 7th level, a defiant defender has mastered the task of mentally rehearsing the moves he will make should circumstances change at a moment's notice.
As a standard action, he may ready a standard, move action or swift action.
As a move action, he may ready a move action or swift action.
As a swift action, he may ready a swift action.
The defiant defender may have multiple readied actions available at any one time, but only one of them may be allowed to occur just before a single triggering action. Only after one of the readied actions is taken, and its triggering action is then resolved, may the other readied action(s) be taken at that time or remain readied to possibly be triggered later during the round.
A readied action occurs just before the action that triggered it, and if the triggering action then provokes an attack of opportunity from the defiant defender, he may make that attack of opportunity normally.
Intercept Style (Ex) By 9th level, whenever a defiant defender uses a standard action to ready a move action for the purpose of movement, he may use that readied action any number of times during the round, until the sum of movement it provides equals what he can get from a single move action, or until an event occurs in which he would normally lose an entire move action. For movement that involves a check of some kind, the check must be made each time this particular readied action is used.
A readied action occurs just before the action that triggered it, and if the triggering action then provokes an attack of opportunity from the defiant defender, he may make that attack of opportunity normally.
Impetuous Endurance (Ex) After reaching 10th level, a defiant defender does not automatically fail a saving throw on a roll of 1. He still fails the save, however, if his result fails to overcome the save's DC.
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Perform (weapon drill), Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Swim, Tumble.
All the following are class features of the defiant defender prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Defiant defenders gain no proficiency with any weapon, armor or shield.
Reactive (Ex) A defiant defender may add his class level to the number of attacks of opportunity he can make in one round.
Disruptive (Ex) As far as a defiant defender sees fit, any number of opponents he threatens suffer a penalty equal to 1 + half his class level (rounded down) on all skill checks, as well as on all attack rolls made against targets other than the defiant defender himself and his gear. Opponents become aware of this effect while they are aware of being threatened by the defiant defender.
Crossfire Ken (Ex) Except when helpless, a defiant defender and his position never provide any opponent with cover against any attack made by one of his allies.
Undying Toughness (Ex) A defiant defender without a Constitution score, may increase his maximum hit point total by an amount equal to his class level multiplied by his Charisma bonus (if any).
Steady (Ex) Whenever a defiant defender uses a standard action to perform or ready a move action or any other action that involves making a melee attack roll, he may then assume the penalties and benefits of fighting defensively until the start of his next turn. Any penalty a defiant defender suffers on attacks of opportunity due to fighting defensively, is reduced by an amount equal to half his class level (rounded down), down to a minimum of 0.
Alternatively, if the standard action is used to perform or ready a move action only, the defiant defender may then assume the penalties and benefits of a total defense (instead of fighting defensively) and still make attacks of opportunity at a –10 penalty, reducing that penalty by an amount equal to his class level, down to a minimum of 0.
In either case, a defiant defender with the Combat Expertise feat, may use it as part of this ability.
A readied action occurs just before the action that triggered it, and if the triggering action then provokes an attack of opportunity from the defiant defender, he may make that attack of opportunity normally.
Elude Touch (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, a defiant defender's instincts begin to supersede his intellect, alerting him to danger from touch attacks (including rays). He gains a bonus to Armor Class against all touch attacks equal to half his class level (rounded down); however, his touch AC can never exceed his Armor Class against normal attacks.
Lunging Menace (Ex) By 2nd level, whenever a defiant defender uses the Intimidate or Perform (weapon drill) skill in an attempt to demoralize a single foe he threatens, he may do so as a swift action. If using either of these skills as a standard action, he may attempt to demoralize a maximum number of foes he threatens, equal to his class level. Whenever a defiant defender successfully demoralizes a foe, it remains shaken for a number of rounds equal to half his class level (rounded down) or until that foe witnesses the defiant defender rendered helpless or dead.
Holding Ground (Ex) For every two class levels gained beyond the first, a defiant defender gains a cumulative +1 bonus (up to a maximum of +4) on Escape Artist checks and on opposed rolls made to avoid or resist bull rush, disarm, feint, grapple, overrun, sunder and trip attempts made against him. In addition, the defiant defender gains an equal dodge bonus to AC against charge attacks and attacks of opportunity made against him. He also gains an equal bonus on saving throws against fear.
Defensive Feature: At 3rd level and again at 8th level, a defiant defender may choose to gain one of the following:
Armor Mastery (Ex) As per the knight's class feature (PH2 24). A defiant defender with two instances of this ability from any source, may apply its benefit to medium and heavy armor.
Bulwark of Defense (Ex) As per the knight's class feature.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) As per the barbarian's class feature. A defiant defender with two instances of this ability from any source, gains Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Vigorous Recovery (Ex) A defiant defender gains Fast Healing 1. This ability recovers nonlethal damage normally, but cannot bring his current hit points above one-half his full normal hit point total (rounded up).
None Shall Pass (Ex) Starting at 4th level, whenever a defiant defender deals physical damage to an opponent with a melee attack of opportunity that the opponent provoked by moving through the area threatened by the defiant defender, the defiant defender may try and stop that opponent in its tracks.
If the defiant defender so wishes, the opponent struck must make a Reflex save (DC equals 10 + half his Hit Dice + his Strength modifier). The opponent gets a +2 bonus on the save for each size category it holds over the defiant defender or a –1 penalty for each size category the defiant defender holds over it. If the opponent fails the save, it loses the remainder of its action.
Alternatively, the defiant defender may attempt to trip the opponent struck by the attack of opportunity, without provoking an attack of opportunity against himself in turn. In this case, the defiant defender may use the opponent's momentum to his advantage, gaining a circumstance bonus equal to half his class level (rounded down), on the opposed ability check.
None Shall Flee (Ex) Starting at 4th level, any opponent threatened by a defiant defender, that takes any sort of movement, even a 5-ft step, provokes an attack of opportunity from him. Opponents may not use the withdraw action to treat the square they start in as no longer threatened by such a defiant defender.
Proactive (Ex) Starting at 5th level, a defiant defender's initiative count does not change when taking a readied action.
Sure Grasp (Ex) Starting at 5th level, if a defiant defender becomes stunned or panicked, he may choose not to drop whatever he is holding.
Interference (Ex) Starting at 6th level, before the defiant defender knows the result of a physical attack that he can perceive passing through or occurring within the area he threatens, be it melee or ranged, the defiant defender may use a melee attack of opportunity in an attempt to knock it off course. If the defiant defender's attack roll exceeds the incoming attack roll, the incoming attack suffers a 50% miss chance.
For each size category the enemy attacker holds over the defiant defender, the defiant defender suffers a –4 penalty on his attack of opportunity when using this ability. Unusually massive weapons (such as boulders or ballista bolts) and attacks that don't involve a solid object or missile can't be affected. Attacks from incorporeal and ethereal enemies can't be affected unless the defiant defender possess a means of striking them with the attack of opportunity this ability allows, in which case he may suffer a miss chance (or not, if using a Ghost Touch weapon or wielding a force effect modeled after a melee weapon).
Contingency Plans (Ex) By 7th level, a defiant defender has mastered the task of mentally rehearsing the moves he will make should circumstances change at a moment's notice.
As a standard action, he may ready a standard, move action or swift action.
As a move action, he may ready a move action or swift action.
As a swift action, he may ready a swift action.
The defiant defender may have multiple readied actions available at any one time, but only one of them may be allowed to occur just before a single triggering action. Only after one of the readied actions is taken, and its triggering action is then resolved, may the other readied action(s) be taken at that time or remain readied to possibly be triggered later during the round.
A readied action occurs just before the action that triggered it, and if the triggering action then provokes an attack of opportunity from the defiant defender, he may make that attack of opportunity normally.
Intercept Style (Ex) By 9th level, whenever a defiant defender uses a standard action to ready a move action for the purpose of movement, he may use that readied action any number of times during the round, until the sum of movement it provides equals what he can get from a single move action, or until an event occurs in which he would normally lose an entire move action. For movement that involves a check of some kind, the check must be made each time this particular readied action is used.
A readied action occurs just before the action that triggered it, and if the triggering action then provokes an attack of opportunity from the defiant defender, he may make that attack of opportunity normally.
Impetuous Endurance (Ex) After reaching 10th level, a defiant defender does not automatically fail a saving throw on a roll of 1. He still fails the save, however, if his result fails to overcome the save's DC.
New and Revised Weapons
A selection of new and revised weapons for D&D 3.5 is written below.
One thing that's eluding me, is how many bolts to put in a typical case for repeating crossbow, given all the abilities and effects out there that offer additional attacks. I really want a full case of bolts to facilitate at least one full attack in nearly any situation.
One thing that's eluding me, is how many bolts to put in a typical case for repeating crossbow, given all the abilities and effects out there that offer additional attacks. I really want a full case of bolts to facilitate at least one full attack in nearly any situation.
Simple Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Inc. | Weight | Type |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Crossbow, Heavy | 75 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | 19-20/x2 | 120 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Bolts (12) | 1 gp | - | - | - | - | 1 lb. | - |
Crossbow, Light | 50 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | 19-20/x2 | 80 ft. | 4 lb. | Piercing |
Bolts (12) | 1 gp | - | - | - | - | 1 lb. | - |
Martial Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Inc. | Weight | Type |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Crossbow, Great | 100 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | 19-20/x2 | 160 ft. | 8 lb. | Piercing |
Bolts (12) | 1 gp | - | - | - | - | 1 lb. | - |
Crossbow, Hand | 100 gp | 1d3 | 1d4 | 19-20/x2 | 40 ft. | 2 lb. | Piercing |
Bolts (12) | 1 gp | - | - | - | - | 1 lb. | - |
Exotic Weapons | Cost | Dmg (S) | Dmg (M) | Critical | Range Inc. | Weight | Type |
Ranged Weapons | |||||||
Crossbow, Repeating Great | 500 gp | 1d10 | 2d6 | 19-20/x2 | 160 ft. | 12 lb. | Piercing |
Case of Bolts (6) | 1 gp | - | - | - | - | 1 lb. | - |
Crossbow, Repeating Heavy | 375 gp | 1d8 | 1d10 | 19-20/x2 | 120 ft. | 9 lb. | Piercing |
Case of Bolts (6) | 1 gp | - | - | - | - | 1 lb. | - |
Crossbow, Repeating Light | 250 gp | 1d6 | 1d8 | 19-20/x2 | 80 ft. | 6 lb. | Piercing |
Case of Bolts (6) | 1 gp | - | - | - | - | 1 lb. | - |
Crossbow, Great: A great crossbow requires two hands to use effectively. You draw a great crossbow back by turning a winch. Loading a great crossbow is a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. You cannot shoot or load a great crossbow of your size with one hand at all.
Crossbow, Repeating: A repeating crossbow (of any type) holds 6 crossbow bolts. As long as it holds bolts, you can reload it by pulling the reloading lever (a free action). Loading a new case of 6 bolts is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and requires two hands. In all other ways, shooting a repeating crossbow works the same as shooting a standard crossbow of the same type.
Commando Base Class
This class is primarily intended for D&D 3.5 and welcomes other non-casters to be given more consideration.
Compared to other soldiers and military operatives, commandos are often well educated and highly skilled, capable of facilitating reconnaissance, espionage and precise combat objectives. While they may lack some of the blunt resilience found in other warriors, they are still quite capable of using their training, along with the right tools and equipment, to gain the advantage.
Starting Age: same as Ranger
Starting Gold: 6d4x10 gp (150 gp)
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim and Tumble.
Compared to other soldiers and military operatives, commandos are often well educated and highly skilled, capable of facilitating reconnaissance, espionage and precise combat objectives. While they may lack some of the blunt resilience found in other warriors, they are still quite capable of using their training, along with the right tools and equipment, to gain the advantage.
Starting Age: same as Ranger
Starting Gold: 6d4x10 gp (150 gp)
Hit Die: d6
Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level): Balance, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (all), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim and Tumble.
Level | Base Attack Bonus | One Good Save | Two Poor Saves | Special |
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | Adroit Reload, Open Fire, Trapfinding, Save Focus, Specialize |
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | Elude Touch, Hard Target |
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | Insightful Aim, Pack Mastery |
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | Bonus Feat, Harder Target +1 |
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | Farsight, Multitask, Trap Sense +1 |
6th | +6/+1 | +5 | +2 | Elusiveness +1 |
7th | +7/+2 | +5 | +2 | Bonus Feat, Harder Target +2 |
8th | +8/+3 | +6 | +2 | Rapid Aim, Masterful Motion |
9th | +9/+4 | +6 | +3 | Camouflage, Grounding |
10th | +10/+5 | +7 | +3 | Bonus Feat, Harder Target +3 |
11th | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +3 | Expert Aim, Trap Sense +2 |
12th | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +4 | Hasty Barrage |
13th | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +4 | Bonus Feat, Harder Target +4 |
14th | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +4 | Clustered Aim, Hide in Plain Sight |
15th | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +5 | Impetuous Endurance |
16th | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +5 | Bonus Feat, Harder Target +5 |
17th | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +5 | Steady Barrage, Trap Sense +3 |
18th | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +6 | Elusiveness +2 |
19th | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +6 | Bonus Feat, Harder Target +6 |
20th | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +6 | Steady Barrage |
All of the following are class features of the commando.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: In addition to basic weapons, a commando gains proficiency with four weapon groups, as well as all types of crossbows and firearms (including exotic ones), all types of armor (light, medium and heavy) and all types of shields (including tower shields).
Adroit Reload (Ex) A commando gains Rapid Reload as a bonus feat for all crossbows and firearms. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by reloading any of these weapons.
Open Fire (Ex) A commando may use all crossbows, firearms and light throwing weapons as if he had the Rapid Shot feat, regardless of his Dexterity score. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by attacking with any of these weapons.
Trapfinding (Ex) A commando gains Trapfinding, as per the rogue's class feature.
Save Focus (Ex) At 1st level, a commando must choose one type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex or Will). That saving throw advances with a good progression according to his commando class levels, while the others do so with a poor progression.
Specialize (Ex) At 1st level, a commando may choose a number of cross-class skills to gain as additional commando class skills, equal to 6 + his Charisma modifier.
Elude Touch (Ex) By 2nd level, a commando’s intuition alerts him to danger from melee and ranged touch attacks. He gains a bonus to Armor Class against all touch attacks equal to half his class level (rounded down), plus his highest mental ability modifier (minimum sum of +0); however, his touch AC can never exceed his Armor Class against normal attacks.
Hard Target (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, whenever a commando makes a successful saving throw to reduce (rather than negate) consequences he would suffer from a given attack or effect, he may attempt that save one additional time at the same DC to negate those consequences entirely.
Insightful Aim (Ex) Starting at 3rd level, a commando may apply his Intelligence bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls with any crossbow or firearm used to fire a projectile at a target located within the first range increment. Targets immune to sneak attacks and critical hits, are immune to a commando's insightful aim.
Pack Mastery (Ex) At 3rd level, a commando's carrying capacity increases by one half (multiply by 1½). He also gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by retrieving a stored item or sheathing a weapon. Although uncommon, this bonus also applies against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by drawing a weapon, readying a shield or loosing a shield.
Bonus Feat (Ex) A commando gains an additional bonus feat at 4th level, and every three class levels thereafter (7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, etc). The feats chosen must be from the list of fighter bonus feats.
Harder Target (Ex) At 4th level, a commando gains a +1 bonus on each additional saving throw provided by his Hard Target ability. This bonus increases by 1 for every three class levels gained thereafter.
Farsight (Ex) A commando develops great visual acuity. Starting at 5th level, he suffers only half the normal penalty on his Spot checks because of distance (–1 per 20 feet of distance, rather than –1 per 10 feet). In addition, the commando takes only half the normal penalty on ranged attacks per range increment (–1 per range increment, rather than –2).
Multitask (Ex) By 5th level, a commando can move up to half his speed as part of any move action or standard action used to reload a crossbow or firearm, sheathe a weapon or retrieve a stored item. If he uses a full round action to perform any of these tasks, he may move up to his speed when doing so. The process of using this ability prohibits use of the Tumble skill and provokes only one attack of opportunity from each opponent that threatens him at any point during the action. However, each of those opponents must choose whether their attack of opportunity is made in response to the commando's task or his movement.
Trap Sense (Ex) At 5th level, a commando gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the commando reaches 11th level, and to +3 when he reaches 17th level. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.
Elusiveness (Ex) By 6th level, a commando's training provides him with a +1 bonus on all checks and opposed rolls made to avoid or resist bull rush, disarm, feint, grapple, overrun, sunder and trip attempts made against him. He also gains an equal dodge bonus to AC against all attacks of opportunity, and charge attacks. This bonus increases by 1 when the commando reaches 18th level.
Rapid Aim (Ex) By 8th level, a commando with the Open Fire ability, may use all crossbows, firearms and light throwing weapons as if he had the Improved Rapid Shot feat, regardless of his Dexterity score.
Masterful Motion (Ex) Starting at 8th level, a commando may, as a full round action, move up to his speed and perform a standard action at any point during that movement. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by moving out of or within a threatened area.
Camouflage (Ex) At 9th level, a commando gains Camouflage, as per the ranger's class feature.
Grounding (Ex) By 9th level, a commando can kneel or drop to a prone position as an immediate action. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by standing up, crawling or picking up an item.
Expert Aim (Ex) Starting at 11th level, a commando may use all crossbows, firearms and light throwing weapons as if he had the Improved Precise Shot feat, regardless of his Dexterity score.
Hasty Barrage (Ex) After reaching 12th level, a commando may perform a full attack as a standard action, but in so doing, suffers a –8 penalty on all attack rolls he makes with that action. Alternatively, whenever he performs a full attack under any other conditions, he may make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus with each weapon he wields, but in so doing, suffers a –4 penalty on all attack rolls he makes with that action.
Clustered Aim (Ex) By 14th level, whenever a commando makes two or more consecutive ranged attacks against one target, by firing projectiles from one or more crossbows and/or firearms as part of the same full attack, any damage reduction and/or energy resistance that target has, applies only once against the total result of those consecutive attacks.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex) At 14th level, a commando gains Hide in Plain Sight as per the ranger's class feature, except it can be used in any terrain.
Impetuous Endurance (Ex) Starting at 15th level, a commando does not automatically fail a saving throw on a roll of 1. He still fails the save, however, if his result fails to overcome the save's DC.
Steady Barrage (Ex) By 17th level, and again by 20th level, any penalty a commando suffers on attack rolls from using the Hasty Barrage ability, is reduced by half.
All of the following are class features of the commando.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: In addition to basic weapons, a commando gains proficiency with four weapon groups, as well as all types of crossbows and firearms (including exotic ones), all types of armor (light, medium and heavy) and all types of shields (including tower shields).
Adroit Reload (Ex) A commando gains Rapid Reload as a bonus feat for all crossbows and firearms. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by reloading any of these weapons.
Open Fire (Ex) A commando may use all crossbows, firearms and light throwing weapons as if he had the Rapid Shot feat, regardless of his Dexterity score. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by attacking with any of these weapons.
Trapfinding (Ex) A commando gains Trapfinding, as per the rogue's class feature.
Save Focus (Ex) At 1st level, a commando must choose one type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex or Will). That saving throw advances with a good progression according to his commando class levels, while the others do so with a poor progression.
Specialize (Ex) At 1st level, a commando may choose a number of cross-class skills to gain as additional commando class skills, equal to 6 + his Charisma modifier.
Elude Touch (Ex) By 2nd level, a commando’s intuition alerts him to danger from melee and ranged touch attacks. He gains a bonus to Armor Class against all touch attacks equal to half his class level (rounded down), plus his highest mental ability modifier (minimum sum of +0); however, his touch AC can never exceed his Armor Class against normal attacks.
Hard Target (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, whenever a commando makes a successful saving throw to reduce (rather than negate) consequences he would suffer from a given attack or effect, he may attempt that save one additional time at the same DC to negate those consequences entirely.
Insightful Aim (Ex) Starting at 3rd level, a commando may apply his Intelligence bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls with any crossbow or firearm used to fire a projectile at a target located within the first range increment. Targets immune to sneak attacks and critical hits, are immune to a commando's insightful aim.
Pack Mastery (Ex) At 3rd level, a commando's carrying capacity increases by one half (multiply by 1½). He also gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by retrieving a stored item or sheathing a weapon. Although uncommon, this bonus also applies against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by drawing a weapon, readying a shield or loosing a shield.
Bonus Feat (Ex) A commando gains an additional bonus feat at 4th level, and every three class levels thereafter (7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, etc). The feats chosen must be from the list of fighter bonus feats.
Harder Target (Ex) At 4th level, a commando gains a +1 bonus on each additional saving throw provided by his Hard Target ability. This bonus increases by 1 for every three class levels gained thereafter.
Farsight (Ex) A commando develops great visual acuity. Starting at 5th level, he suffers only half the normal penalty on his Spot checks because of distance (–1 per 20 feet of distance, rather than –1 per 10 feet). In addition, the commando takes only half the normal penalty on ranged attacks per range increment (–1 per range increment, rather than –2).
Multitask (Ex) By 5th level, a commando can move up to half his speed as part of any move action or standard action used to reload a crossbow or firearm, sheathe a weapon or retrieve a stored item. If he uses a full round action to perform any of these tasks, he may move up to his speed when doing so. The process of using this ability prohibits use of the Tumble skill and provokes only one attack of opportunity from each opponent that threatens him at any point during the action. However, each of those opponents must choose whether their attack of opportunity is made in response to the commando's task or his movement.
Trap Sense (Ex) At 5th level, a commando gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the commando reaches 11th level, and to +3 when he reaches 17th level. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.
Elusiveness (Ex) By 6th level, a commando's training provides him with a +1 bonus on all checks and opposed rolls made to avoid or resist bull rush, disarm, feint, grapple, overrun, sunder and trip attempts made against him. He also gains an equal dodge bonus to AC against all attacks of opportunity, and charge attacks. This bonus increases by 1 when the commando reaches 18th level.
Rapid Aim (Ex) By 8th level, a commando with the Open Fire ability, may use all crossbows, firearms and light throwing weapons as if he had the Improved Rapid Shot feat, regardless of his Dexterity score.
Masterful Motion (Ex) Starting at 8th level, a commando may, as a full round action, move up to his speed and perform a standard action at any point during that movement. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by moving out of or within a threatened area.
Camouflage (Ex) At 9th level, a commando gains Camouflage, as per the ranger's class feature.
Grounding (Ex) By 9th level, a commando can kneel or drop to a prone position as an immediate action. In addition, he gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks of opportunity he provokes by standing up, crawling or picking up an item.
Expert Aim (Ex) Starting at 11th level, a commando may use all crossbows, firearms and light throwing weapons as if he had the Improved Precise Shot feat, regardless of his Dexterity score.
Hasty Barrage (Ex) After reaching 12th level, a commando may perform a full attack as a standard action, but in so doing, suffers a –8 penalty on all attack rolls he makes with that action. Alternatively, whenever he performs a full attack under any other conditions, he may make one additional attack at his highest base attack bonus with each weapon he wields, but in so doing, suffers a –4 penalty on all attack rolls he makes with that action.
Clustered Aim (Ex) By 14th level, whenever a commando makes two or more consecutive ranged attacks against one target, by firing projectiles from one or more crossbows and/or firearms as part of the same full attack, any damage reduction and/or energy resistance that target has, applies only once against the total result of those consecutive attacks.
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex) At 14th level, a commando gains Hide in Plain Sight as per the ranger's class feature, except it can be used in any terrain.
Impetuous Endurance (Ex) Starting at 15th level, a commando does not automatically fail a saving throw on a roll of 1. He still fails the save, however, if his result fails to overcome the save's DC.
Steady Barrage (Ex) By 17th level, and again by 20th level, any penalty a commando suffers on attack rolls from using the Hasty Barrage ability, is reduced by half.
Imaskari NPCs
The following NPCs are affiliated with the imaskari enclaves (index).
Ambassador Dravad Krezuvyr is a lean 6’1” imaskari male with ashen skin, gray eyes, short white hair, black great coat and tall boots. He's never far from his holocom bracer and other communication devices.
The Humans of Ardotia
Selectively bred and manipulated using shamanistic magic over countless generations by their own cutthroat meritocratic warrior culture, the isolated humans of Ardotia have only recently been discovered and programmed into service by more technologically advanced and magically adept cultures.
- Humanoid (Human): Ardotians appear very much the same as typical humans.
- +4 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
- Medium: As Medium creatures, ardotians have no special bonuses or penalties
- Ardotian base land speed is 50 feet.
- Low-Light Vision: An ardotian can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
- Darkvision: Ardotians can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and ardotians can function just fine with no light at all.
- Weapon Group Proficiency: Ardotians are proficient with any one group of weapons in addition to any others.
- +1 racial bonus to natural armor.
- +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Ardotian.
- Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass ardotian’s barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty.
- Level Adjustment: +2.
Ardotian Racial and Regional Feats:
Battle Hardened (RoS 137)
Imaskari Plasmahead Missiles
Plasmahead missiles are often employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). The launching vessel will use its own sensors and targeting systems to assist each missile by remote to its intended target. As a missile approaches its intended target, it is then directed to prime its payload and surround itself with a high energy, super-dense plasma barrier bound by gravitic and magnetic fields, leaving only the aft portion of the missile uncovered. These barriers not only help protect the missiles in transit, but also add to the damage and depth they achieve upon impact, prior to detonation.
When excess plasma is generated from a missile impacting an atmosphere at ultrasonic speeds, that plasma is held in abeyance by the gravitic and magnetic fields surrounding the missile. The missile will adapt as needed, producing less of its own plasma while diverting more power into the reinforcement of its external fields, with any excess plasma flowing along the barrier and weeping clear of the missile itself.
When excess plasma is generated from a missile impacting an atmosphere at ultrasonic speeds, that plasma is held in abeyance by the gravitic and magnetic fields surrounding the missile. The missile will adapt as needed, producing less of its own plasma while diverting more power into the reinforcement of its external fields, with any excess plasma flowing along the barrier and weeping clear of the missile itself.
Each missile is fitted with a miniaturized matter-antimatter or particle fusion reactor, along with miniaturized induction engines and a minor Alcubierre drive that only add to the energy released upon detonation. The payload stored in each missile, typically involves a gravitic nova burst or a concentrated mass reaction.
Additional information to come.
Imaskari Inkling Interceptors
Inkling interceptors are often employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). Swift, agile, stealthy, perceptive and heavily armed, these vessels can extend and retract their wings independently as they move to perform a variety of additional stunts. Equally supreme at atmospheric and interstellar flight, they can outmaneuver nearly any other manned craft, especially when linked to a properly secured pilot. (see Image)
Additional information to come.
Imaskari Jumpgate Tagtrios
Jumpgate tagtrios are sometimes employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). Units of three identical vessels with concave undersides, they can can align their wings end to end and form a ring between them, a ring wide enough to accommodate almost any imaskari vessel passing through it. Once calibrated, a tagtrio can open a temporary wormhole in this ring to a distant destination. (see Image)
- These vessels are considered objects, and are placed under the effect of various spells as often as can be arranged.
- The effective size of each vessel is Colossal. Wind speeds and water currents affect each vessel as if it were three sizes larger than it actually is.
- Layered cermet matrix armor plating.
- Sealed against extreme and hostile environments.
- Electromagnetic, temperature and radioactivity resistant insulation.
- Inertial dampeners and surplus converters.
- A jumpdrive aboard each vessel, when fully charged, can create and maintain a temporary wormhole through which the ship then travels, reducing the distance it needs to cover in order to reach a given destination. Once inside the wormhole, the ship must continue to its exit or drop out of it, requiring that the jumpdrive be recharged again afterwards. The course of any given wormhole must be calculated prior to its creation, from existing knowledge of the areas surrounding it.
- When active, an Alcubierre drive on each vessel, surrounds it in a field that warps and wrinkles the fabric of space in the direction the pilot wishes to travel. This reduces the actual distance the ship needs to travel to reach a given destination, without increasing the vessel's actual velocity beyond that provided by its engines.
- Induction engines on each vessel, provide it with swift and silent propulsion through the manipulation of artificial gravity.
- When active, cloaking screens warp light and energy about each vessel, rendering them invisible to sight and most other sensors, or at least harder to notice, locate or identify. These vessels cannot maintain a jumpgate and employ their cloaking screens at the same time.
- When active, various gravitic, magnetic, and particle fields on each vessel help deflect ballistic projectiles and disperse energy from energy-based projectile weapons. However, they cannot be used in conjunction with cloaking screens without giving the vessel's position away to other sensor arrays.
- An advanced sensor array on each vessel includes, among other things, hi-res video and audio, electromagnetic sensors, spectroanalyzers, multiphase radar, mass detectors, piercing visors and biomed scanners. These sensors also feed into advanced autopilot and targeting systems.
- Each vessel includes EMP-shielded AI core processors, data drives and restoration systems with hack-defense encryption and wipe protocols.
- Each vessel derives power from an EMP-shielded system that includes supercapacitor arrays composed of carbon-nanotube papers, recharged from energy produced by a variety of matter-antimatter and particle fusion reactors.
- Compact ansibles and various transceivers facilitate communications between each vessel and other devices, while various holocom devices can both record and display both visual and auditory content for face to face interactions throughout the vessel.
Additional information to come.
Imaskari Gravitic Cosmocannons
Gravitic cosmocannons are rarely employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). Vessels of extreme length built around their singular primary armament, they are more than equal to the task of emitting beams of various quantum particles and super-dense short-lived chains of artificially compounded neutronic mass, at speeds approaching the speed of light. These chains are sent hurtling through their targets, similar to having the mass of mountains pass through them in the form of long strands of hair. (see Image)
- These vessels are considered objects, and are placed under the effect of various spells as often as can be arranged.
- The effective size of each vessel is Colossal. Wind speeds and water currents affect each vessel as if it were three sizes larger than it actually is.
- Layered cermet matrix armor plating.
- Sealed against extreme and hostile environments.
- Electromagnetic, temperature and radioactivity resistant insulation.
- Inertial dampeners and surplus converters.
- A jumpdrive aboard each vessel, when fully charged, can create and maintain a temporary wormhole through which the ship then travels, reducing the distance it needs to cover in order to reach a given destination. Once inside the wormhole, the ship must continue to its exit or drop out of it, requiring that the jumpdrive be recharged again afterwards. The course of any given wormhole must be calculated prior to its creation, from existing knowledge of the areas surrounding it.
- When active, an Alcubierre drive on each vessel, surrounds it in a field that warps and wrinkles the fabric of space in the direction the pilot wishes to travel. This reduces the actual distance the ship needs to travel to reach a given destination, without increasing the vessel's actual velocity beyond that provided by its engines.
- Induction engines on each vessel, provide it with swift and silent propulsion through the manipulation of artificial gravity.
- When active, cloaking screens warp light and energy about these vessels, rendering them invisible to sight and most other sensors, or at least harder to notice, locate or identify. These vessels cannot discharge their main weapon and employ their cloaking screens at the same time.
- When active, various gravitic, magnetic, and particle fields on each vessel help deflect ballistic projectiles and disperse energy from energy-based projectile weapons. However, they cannot be used in conjunction with cloaking screens without giving the vessel's position away to other sensor arrays.
- An advanced sensor array on each vessel includes, among other things, hi-res video and audio, electromagnetic sensors, spectroanalyzers, multiphase radar, mass detectors, piercing visors and biomed scanners. These sensors also feed into advanced autopilot and targeting systems.
- Each vessel includes EMP-shielded AI core processors, data drives and restoration systems with hack-defense encryption and wipe protocols.
- Each vessel derives power from an EMP-shielded system that includes supercapacitor arrays composed of carbon-nanotube papers, recharged from energy produced by a variety of matter-antimatter and particle fusion reactors.
- Compact ansibles and various transceivers facilitate communications between each vessel and other devices, while various holocom devices can both record and display both visual and auditory content for face to face interactions throughout the vessel.
Additional information to come.
Oruks of Elementia
Oruk Template -- Under Construction
An Ourk is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid with the orc subtype.
CR: Same as the base creature +1.
LA: Same as the base creature +2.
CR: Same as the base creature +1.
LA: Same as the base creature +2.
Alignment: Any
Size/Type: The creature's size remains the same, while their type changes to Monstrous Humanoid.
Senses: Same as the base creature, plus Darkvision out to 120 feet, Superior Low-Light Vision and Scent.
AC: Same as the base creature, plus a +1 increase to its natural armor bonus.
hp: Same as the base creature plus Fast Healing 1, Regeneration 1 and Damage Reduction 2/adamantine.
Immune: Same as base creature, plus disease.
Resist: Same as base creature, plus resistance to cold 5 and electricity 5.
Fort, Ref, Will: Same as base creature, plus a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poison and disease.
Weaknesses: Add the following.
Protein X Dependency (Ex): An oruk can go without a dose of protein X for one day plus a number of hours equal to their Constitution score. Afterwards they must make a constitution check each hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous success) or suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to each ability score. Any penalty incurred due to this dependency ends 1 minute after a dose of protein X is once again introduced.
Fort, Ref, Will: Same as base creature, plus a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poison and disease.
Weaknesses: Add the following.
Protein X Dependency (Ex): An oruk can go without a dose of protein X for one day plus a number of hours equal to their Constitution score. Afterwards they must make a constitution check each hour (DC 10 + 1 per previous success) or suffer a cumulative -1 penalty to each ability score. Any penalty incurred due to this dependency ends 1 minute after a dose of protein X is once again introduced.
Speed: Same as base creature, with an increase of 10 feet to each movement speed except burrow.
Melee: Same as base creature, plus the following natural weapons:
Two primary slam attacks dealing 1d6 base damage at medium size. If the creature already has two or more slam attacks, they deal a minimum of 1d6 base damage at medium size.
Special Attacks/Actions: Same as the base creature, plus the following.
Reaving Strikes (Ex): The natural weapons of an oruk overcome all forms of damage reduction based on a metallic material.
Abilities: Change from base creature as follows: Str +2, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +2
Special Qualities: Same as the base creature and add the following.
Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of oruks lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever an oruk is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the oruk is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A oruk is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. An oruk can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.
Regeneration (Ex): Acid and fire deal normal damage to an oruk. An oruk that loses a limb or body part can reattach it by holding the severed member to the stump. Reattachment takes 5 minutes. If the head or some other vital organ is severed, it must be reattached within 10 minutes or the creature dies. An oruk cannot regrow lost body parts.
Feats: Same as the base creature, plus Daylight Adaptation, Diehard, Endurance, Mind Over Body, Rapid Metabolism, Steadfast Determination as racial bonus feats.
Skills: Same as base creature, plus a +4 racial bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
Imaskari Leadership
Typically, new imaskari enclaves (index) and settlements are established by an imaskari arcanist capable of raising a mythal bearing his or her name, as well as leading a group of supporters and would be immigrants. Most enclaves are then governed by an elected council of qualified wizards (and technologists) known as Planners, chief among them being the High Planner, Enacter and Apprehender. Although the High Planner is chosen by the council to rule alone, the chosen Enacter and Apprehender have the power to put decisions to a council vote if they both disagree with the High Planner's decree. The primary arcanist responsible for researching and raising an enclave's mythal, is always given a position on the council if they so desire.
Although nearly every enclave is currently allied under drafted articles as the Imaskari Accord, to often partner and coordinate with one another, each of them vary in some ways from the next.
Additional information to come.
Additional information to come.
Vessel and Vehicle Spells
The following spells were designed to extend upon the precedent of a few other 3.5 D&D spells that are uniquely capable of targeting an entire ship. The first spell in this series, is based upon augment object (SBG).
Augment Vessel
Level: Magewright 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle
Duration: 24 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
Every portion of the affected subject and all objects on board at the time of casting, have their break DCs increased by +20 and their hardness and hit points doubled. The affected subject and objects may also make saving throws when unattended as if they were magic items (save bonus equals 2 + caster level). This spell ends for objects that leave the subject vessel or vehicle.
Planarstatic Vessel
Level: Magewright 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle touched
Duration: 24 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
As zone of respite (SpC 244), except this spell affects every portion of the target and all interior spaces within it.
Undetectable Vessel
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
As nondetection (PH 257), except this spell affects every portion of the target, along with all creatures and objects on board at the time of casting. This spell ends for any creature or object that leaves the subject vessel or vehicle.
Augment Vessel
Level: Magewright 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle
Duration: 24 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
Every portion of the affected subject and all objects on board at the time of casting, have their break DCs increased by +20 and their hardness and hit points doubled. The affected subject and objects may also make saving throws when unattended as if they were magic items (save bonus equals 2 + caster level). This spell ends for objects that leave the subject vessel or vehicle.
Planarstatic Vessel
Level: Magewright 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle touched
Duration: 24 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
As zone of respite (SpC 244), except this spell affects every portion of the target and all interior spaces within it.
Undetectable Vessel
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One Vessel or Vehicle touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
As nondetection (PH 257), except this spell affects every portion of the target, along with all creatures and objects on board at the time of casting. This spell ends for any creature or object that leaves the subject vessel or vehicle.
Imaskari Soldiers
Rank and file combat soldiers employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index) are typically trained in wilderness survival and scouting, as well as firearms, blades, maces, martial arts and grenades.
Oscillating monoedge blades of varying materials and sizes, are common accessories among imaskari combat soldiers.
In the vacuum of space and other hostile environments, imaskari personnel wear fully-sealed and insulated survival suits with various miniaturized devices built into them, with the purposes of homeostasis, communication, navigation, scanning, propulsion, locomotion and defense being chief among them.
- Survival suits include segmented cermet matrix helmets with neural sensor interfaces and face shields composed of transition ceramics, that can produce holographic heads up displays.
- Small shielded backpacks contain most of the power cells used to help power the other various devices incorporated as part of any given survival suit.
- Various induction modules are available with most survival suits, for the wearer to use in performing various aerial and stellar maneuvers through the manipulation of artificial gravity.
To help mitigate the fact that imaskari are slightly less nimble and coordinated than other races, they may also wear a layer of protective hybrid fabrics steeped in shear thickening gels, over their survival suits. For further protection, soldiers will also wear articulated suits of segmented cermet matrix armor, fitted to accommodate all underlying equipment.
When considering their appearance, the cermet matrix helmets and armor worn by imaskari combat soldiers, may closely resemble those worn by General Zod and his heavy combat soldiers in the movie Man of Steel.
Proficiency with other technological devices vary from soldier to soldier in any given combat unit.
Additional information to come.
Additional information to come.
Imaskari Holocom Bracers
To facilitate field communications, the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index) often employ adjustable holocom bracers, possessing a segmented ceramic shell, with a keyboard interface set beneath a pair of sliding panels and a row of transparent ceramic lenses running down its length.
- Ceramic matrix shell exterior.
- Typically sealed against extreme and hostile environments.
- Electromagnetic, temperature and radioactivity resistant insulation.
- EMP shielded processors, data drives and restoration systems, with hack-defense encryption and wipe protocols.
- A miniature ansible and various transceivers facilitate communications between the bracer and other devices, while a miniaturized holographic device can both record and display both visual and auditory information received and translated by the bracer.
- A camera and microphone enable the bracer's wearer to interface with the bracer and those with whom they make contact.
Imaskari Gravitic Driveguns
Gravitic driveguns are a common category of firearms employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index). These weapons produce and propagate gravity pulses to propel each individual unit of ammunition at high velocity. With or without ammunition, these weapons can be set to discharge each gravity pulse they produce immediately after any round that pulse might have launched. A discharged gravity pulse appears as an elongated transparent light-distorting ripple slightly thicker than whatever round it was used to propel, and is capable of impacting a target with an amount of crushing force not quite as devastating as a full bore assault round, albeit they do not travel nearly as far.
- Typically sealed and insulated against extreme and hostile environments.
- Electromagnetic, temperature and radioactivity resistant insulation.
- Despite the fact that gravitic driveguns are significantly less noisy than other kinds of ballistic firearms, sound suppressors are still often used to help cancel out and diminish the sound they produce when fired.
- Rangefinding laser scopes are often used to assist with accuracy.
- Sensor Baffling devices are used to help prevent these firearms from registering to various sensors.
Imaskari employ various types of ammunition for gravitic driveguns, including but limited to, the following:
- Full bore assault rounds are composed of atomically depleted high density metals.
- Cryonic shells expel pressurized mutagen when broken upon impact, resulting in a sudden endothermic reaction that freezes what remains of the shell and the surrounding target, often rendering it prone to shatter.
- When broken on impact, tangler shells expel normally inert substances that form a sticky compound when combined. This small glob of compound then bonds to whatever it comes into contact with as it expands into a gelatinous substance, covering large portions of the target as it hardens into an immobilizing layer of chitinous material.
Imaskari Index
![]() |
Emblem of the Imaskari Accord |
Imaskari People and Society
Future Imaskari Technology
- Gravitic Cosmocannons
- Gravitic Driveguns
- Holocom Bracers
- Inkling Interceptors
- Jumpgate Tagtrios
- Plasmahead Missiles
- Scouting Probes
Noteworthy Material
Plausible Art and Music
Additional content is expected to be added as time goes on.
Imaskari Scouting Probes
The scouting probes most commonly employed by the futuristic version of the imaskari enclaves (index) are sleek segmented non-reflective cermet ovoids, three feet long and two feet wide, covered in various recessed sensors set behind transparent ceramic lenses, further protected by cermet armored iris apertures.
- These droids are considered objects, and are placed under the effect of hardening (SpC 109), augment object (SBG) and nondetection (PH) as often as can be arranged.
- Their effective size is Small, with effective Strength and Dexterity scores of 22. Wind speeds and water currents affect scouting probes as if they were three sizes larger than they actually are.
- Cermet matrix armor plating.
- Typically sealed against extreme and hostile environments.
- Electromagnetic, temperature and radioactivity resistant insulation.
- Inertial surplus converters.
- When active, a minor Alcubierre drive on each probe, surround it in a field that warps and wrinkles the fabric of space in the direction of travel. This reduces the actual distance it needs to cover to reach a given destination, without increasing the probe's actual velocity beyond that provided by its engines.
- Miniaturized induction engines on each probe, provide it with swift and silent propulsion through the manipulation of artificial gravity.
- A compact advanced sensor array includes among other things, hi-res video and audio, electromagnetic sensors, spectroanalyzers, multiphase radar, mass detectors, piercing visors and biomed scanners.
- Each probe includes EMP-shielded AI core processors, data drives and restoration systems, with hack-defense encryption and wipe protocols.
- Each probe derives power from an EMP-shielded system that includes supercapacitor arrays composed of carbon-nanotube papers, recharged from energy produced by a miniaturized particle fusion reactor.
- A compact ansible and various transceivers facilitate communications between the probe and other devices, while a compact holocom device can both record and display both visual and auditory content for face to face interactions.
- Cloaking screens warp light and energy about the probes, rendering them invisible to sight and most other sensors, or at least harder to notice, locate or identify.
These devices could also be thought of as a swift flying egg-shaped R2D2 or C3P0 droids, except they only sense, analyze, translate, network and communicate, while remaining as stealthy as possible.
Myth Nazemnor
Written below is an example of a mythal laid by an imaskari arcanist over one of the subterranean imaskari enclaves (index).
Spellcraft DC: 25
Components: Ritual
Casting Time: 20 minutes
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One object (capstone)
Area: 3-mile-radius emanation centered on the target (capstone)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 225,000 gp; 5 days; 9,000 XP. Seeds: mythal (DC 25). Factors: area centered on target object within 300 feet (ad hoc +20 DC), dispelling resistance (+586 DC), increase area by 15740% (+629.6 DC), anroited effects (+241.05 DC), vanguard effects (+39.7 DC), prevalent effects (+50.75 DC), Two prevalent minor powers (+10 DC), Three keyed prevalent minor powers (+30 DC), One limited area prevalent minor power (+2.5 DC), One limited area prevalent medium power (+10 DC), Six keyed prevalent medium powers (+240 DC), One prevalent medium power (+20 DC), One keyed prevalent major power (+100 DC), One limited area keyed prevalent major power (+50 DC), One prevalent major power (+50 DC), no verbal or somatic component (+4 DC). (+0.8 DC left unassigned)
Mitigating Factors: increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), capstone (-20 DC), one hundred twenty additional casters each contributing a 5th-level spell slot and suffering 8d6 backlash damage (-2040 DC).
This is a ritual spell requiring 120 additional spellcasters, each of which must contribute an unused 5th-level spell slot to the casting and suffer 8d6 backlash damage when the casting is complete. The DC of any caster level check attempting to dispel this spell, equals 314 + this spell's caster level. When this spell is cast, the primary caster becomes fully attuned to its effects.
- Anroited Spells and Effects: Spells and effects that "rend" the weave or produce "antimagic" or "null" effects are prevented from being cast or initially created within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+15 DC)
- Anroited Spells and Effects: Spells and effects from the City domain are prevented from functioning within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+15 DC)
- Anroited Spells and Effects: "Power word" spells and effects are prevented from functioning within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+15 DC)
- Anroited Spells and Effects: Earthquake and otiluke's supressing field are prevented from functioning within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+5.95 DC)
- Anroited Spells and Effects: Spells and effects with both the earth and fire descriptors are prevented from functioning within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+15 DC)
- Keyed Anroited Spells and Effects: Unless cast or produced by a fully attuned creature, the following spells and effects are prevented from functioning within the mythal: barghest's feast, crumble and greater spell immunity. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+20.1 DC)
- Keyed Anroited Spells and Effects: Spells and effects that "dispel" or "disjoin" are prevented from functioning within the mythal. Spells and effects produced by an attuned creature or provided by the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+30 DC)
- Keyed Anroited Spells and Effects: Spells and effects that "animate" or "disintegrate" are prevented from functioning within the mythal. Spells and effects produced by a fully attuned creature or provided by the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+60 DC)
- Keyed Anroited Spells and Effects: Spells and effects with the earth descriptor are prevented from functioning within the mythal. Spells and effects produced by a fully attuned creature or provided by the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power can be raised or lowered once per round, as a free or immediate action on the part of any fully attuned creature within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+30 DC)
- Keyed Anroited Spells and Effects: Spells and effects that produce a "wall" are prevented from functioning within the mythal. Spells and effects produced by any attuned creature or provided by the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+30 DC)
- Limited Area Anroited Energy Type: Spells and effects that deal sonic damage are prevented from functioning in a 80-ft.-radius area centered on the capstone. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+5 DC)
- Vanguard Spells: Each of the following "Vanguard" spells can be activated as a standard action, with only a command thought by any creature within the mythal: silent light (CL 18th), silent make whole (CL 3rd), silent prestidigitation (CL 1st), silent purify food and drink (CL 1st), remove fatigue (CL 7th). (+7.3 DC)
- Keyed Vanguard Spells: Each of these spells can be activated as a standard action, with only a command thought by any attuned creature within the mythal: silent mass align weapon (CL 7th), silent augment object (CL 7th), silent consecrate (CL 5th), silent create water (CL 1st), silent cure minor wounds (CL 1st), silent darsson's cooling breeze (CL 3rd), silent false life (CL 10th), silent greater magic weapon (CL 8th), silent repair minor damage (CL 1st), silent resurgence (CL 3rd), silent silvered weapon (CL 3rd), summon component (CL 1st), silent true casting (CL 3rd), silent whispercast (CL 5th). (+32.4 DC)
- Prevalent Spells: These spells affect all creatures within the mythal: air breathing (CL 5th), appraising touch (CL 1st), deep breath (CL 1st), endure elements (CL 1st), fins to feet (CL 3rd), healthful rest (CL 1st), life's grace (CL 9th), magecraft (CL 1st), sustain (CL 7th), swim (CL 3rd), water breathing (CL 5th). (+17.1 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Spells: These spells affect all attuned creatures within the mythal: cat's grace (CL 1st), comprehend languages (CL 1st), detect magic (CL 1st), false gravity (CL 5th), fox's cunning (CL 1st), gaze screen (CL 3rd), lightfoot (CL 1st), lionheart (CL 2nd), nerveskitter (CL 1st), protection from possession (CL 1st), raptor's sight (CL 1st), superior darkvision (CL 7th), tongues (CL 3rd), lesser vigor (CL 1st). (+21.2 DC)
- Limited Area Prevalent Spell: This spell affects the capstone: ray deflection (CL 7th). (+2.8 DC)
- Limited Area Prevalent Spell: This spell affects all creatures in an 80-ft.-radius area centered on the capstone: protection from possession (CL 1st). (+0.75 DC)
- Limited Area Prevalent Spells: These spells affect an 80-ft.-radius area centered on the capstone: acidward (CL 9th), fireward (CL 9th). (+4.5 DC)
- Prevalent Minor Power: This power minimizes the harmful variable effects that all toxins, poisons and drugs might have on creatures within the mythal, as well as the harmful variable effects of any disease contracted within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+5 DC)
- Prevalent Minor Power: This power prevents any number of control temperature (Fr) spells and effects within the mythal, from pulling the ambient temperature below 41° F or pushing it above 90° F. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+5 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Minor Power: This power enables any attuned creature within the mythal, to communicate telepathically with any number of other attuned creatures that are also within the mythal. This power does not impart the understanding of any language. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+10 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Minor Power: This power maintains a blanket joyful noise (SpC 127) effect that suppresses all areas of magical silence within the mythal. Spells and effects produced by any attuned creature or the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+10 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Minor Power: This power maintains a blanket augment object (SBG) effect that affects all stone structures and rock formations within the mythal. This power can be raised or lowered once per round, as a free or immediate action on the part of any fully attuned creature within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+10 DC)
- Limited Area Prevalent Minor Power: This power maintains a prevalent augment object (SBG) effect that affects the capstone. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+2.5 DC)
- Limited Area Prevalent Medium Power: This power maintains a prevalent hardening (SpC 109) effect that affects the capstone. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+10 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Medium Power: This power maintains a blanket hardening (SpC 109) effect that affects all stone structures and rock formations within the mythal. This power can be raised or lowered once per round, as a free or immediate action on the part of any fully attuned creature within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+40 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Medium Power: When used up to once per round, as a free or immediate action on the part of any fully attuned creature within the mythal, this power utilizes blanket stone metamorphosis (Und 61) and earthfast (SpC 67) effects upon every stone structure and rock formation within the mythal, the first of which always transforms the stone and rock into harder metamorphic forms. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+40 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Medium Power: This power maintains a blanket zone of respite (SpC 244) effect that affects everything within the mythal. Spells and effects produced by any attuned creature or the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power can be raised or lowered once per round, as a free or immediate action on the part of any fully attuned creature within the mythal. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+40 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Medium Power: This power prevents spells and effects of the scrying subschool from targeting or perceiving anything within the mythal. Spells and effects produced by an attuned creature or the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+40 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Medium Power: This power entitles all fully attuned creatures within the mythal to a saving throw with a bonus equal to the mythal's caster level, against any spell or effect that a mind blank effect would normally ward them against. For each spell and effect that does not allow a save, a successful Will save made as if it did, wards such a creature against it in a manner consistent with a mind blank effect, at an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+40 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Medium Power: This power maintains a blanket revelation (DoF 117) effect that covers the entire mythal. Spells and effects produced by an attuned creature or the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+40 DC)
- Prevalent Medium Power: This power uses dispel water (SaS) and prestidigitation (PH 264) effects within the mythal once each round, to dry up all liquid water found in each sponge that was created using minor creation (PH 253), and to keep the sponge itself clean. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+20 DC)
- Keyed Prevalent Major Power: This power allows any attuned arcane spellcaster within the mythal to spontaneously cast any of the following arcane spells that appear on their class spell list, by losing a prepared arcane spell or unused arcane spell slot of equal or higher level, similar to using a runestaff. Metamagic feats may be applied normally when using this ability, without increasing the spell's casting time. All of the components for these spells must be provided normally, with the exception of any Focus components. The spells are as follows: alarm, greater alarm, analyze dweomer, arcane sight, greater arcane sight, assay spell resistance, attentive alarm, augment object, baleful polymorph, banishment, greater bestow curse, blur, command undead, control temperature, darsson's cooling breeze, daylight, detect aberration, detect magic, detect scrying, detect undead, detect weaponry, discern bloodline, discern shapechanger, dismissal, endure elements, energy immunity, evard's black tentacles, fog cloud, freedom, freezing fog, ghost lantern, glitterdust, gust of wind, haste, healing touch, heart of water, interplanar telepathic bond, jet of steam, know vulnerabilities, lightning fog, greater levitate, mage armor, mass mage armor, mage's magnificent mansion, greater mighty wallop, mindless rage, minor creation, mystic surge, nondetection, obscuring mist, ooze puppet, permeable form, planar tolerance, plane shift, greater plane shift, portal alarm, improved portal alarm, rary's telepathic bond, ray of deanimation, ray deflection, remove curse, repair critical damage, repair moderate damage, repair light damage, repair serious damage, resist energy, mass resist energy, ruby ray of reversal, sense of the dragon, see invisibility, sending, shield, shadow phase, shockwave, solid fog, teleport, greater teleport, teleport object, trobriand's baleful teleport, undulant innards, unseen crafter, vision of the omniscient eye, wall of force. (+100 DC)
- Limited Area Keyed Prevalent Major Power: This power grants the capstone immunity to all magical effects, as if it possessed unlimited spell resistance. Spells and effects produced by a fully attuned creature or the mythal itself are unaffected by this power. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+50 DC)
- Prevalent Major Power: This power protects everyone and everything within the mythal, against divination spells and effects that originate from outside the mythal, as if all of it were subject to the sequester spell. This power has an effective caster level equal to the mythal's caster level. (+50 DC)
Spells from Dragon Magazine
silvered weapon (issue 340 pg 57)
Terran Siege Tank
Written below is a D&D 3.5 draft of Starcraft's terran siege tank.
Similar drafts of other units can be found here: Starcraft d20
Usually N Huge Construct (Terran, Vehicle)
Init +0 (+0 Dex); Senses Darkvision 2 miles, Superior Low-Light Vision, All-Around Siege Sensors; Listen +20, Spot +20
Languages understands Common; cannot speak;
AC 25, touch 8, flat-footed 25 (-2 Size, +17 natural)
hp 208 (19d10+40+30+15+19); DR 5/adamantine
Immune blindness, deafness, petrification, polymorph, construct immunities
Resist acid 5, cold 30, electricity 10, fire 30, sonic 5
Weakness Operator Dependent, Structural Vulnerability
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.; Run
Melee slam +23 (2d6+8)
Ranged 2 slug cannons +13 (6d8/x3) or siege cannon +13 (8d8 plus shell blast)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (Long)
Base Atk +14; Grp +38
Atk Options hyperspin round, trample
Special Actions occupant entry, operate tank, siege mode, terran comlink, eject occupant
Abilities Str 43, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
SA adamantine strike, arc shot, hyperspin rounds, proximity limits, shell blast, shells, trample
SQ all-around siege sensors, construct traits, dive system, extra buff, improved buff, life support, operator dependent, planar link, structural vulnerability, targeting systems, treads
Racial Feats Aquatic Shot (Sto 90), Blind-Fight, Coordinated Shot (HB 96), Far Shot, Great Fortitude, Improved Natural Attack [Siege Cannon] (MM 304), Improved Natural Attack [Slug Cannon] (MM 304), Improved Toughness (CW 205), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Run, Sharp-Shooting (CW 105), Weapon Focus [Siege Cannon], Weapon Focus [Slug Cannons]
Skills Listen +20, Spot +20, Swim +24
Occupant Entry (Ex) As a move action, a typical human-shaped creature of Medium size without a check penalty due to equipment or encumbrance, may enter an unoccupied siege tank that is both willing and adjacent. A siege tank only has room for one such occupant. Once inside a siege tank, the occupant gains total cover and concealment in addition to immunity against environmental extremes and all external events except gaze attacks. Any objects carried by the occupant that won't fit inside the tank itself, wind up in its space.
Operate Tank (Ex) When occupied, a willing siege tank responds to the direction of its occupant action for action, as if it were part of the occupant itself, while giving that occupant access to its senses and sensory special qualities.
Similar drafts of other units can be found here: Starcraft d20
Usually N Huge Construct (Terran, Vehicle)
Init +0 (+0 Dex); Senses Darkvision 2 miles, Superior Low-Light Vision, All-Around Siege Sensors; Listen +20, Spot +20
Languages understands Common; cannot speak;
AC 25, touch 8, flat-footed 25 (-2 Size, +17 natural)
hp 208 (19d10+40+30+15+19); DR 5/adamantine
Immune blindness, deafness, petrification, polymorph, construct immunities
Resist acid 5, cold 30, electricity 10, fire 30, sonic 5
Weakness Operator Dependent, Structural Vulnerability
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.; Run
Melee slam +23 (2d6+8)
Ranged 2 slug cannons +13 (6d8/x3) or siege cannon +13 (8d8 plus shell blast)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (Long)
Base Atk +14; Grp +38
Atk Options hyperspin round, trample
Special Actions occupant entry, operate tank, siege mode, terran comlink, eject occupant
Abilities Str 43, Dex 11, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
SA adamantine strike, arc shot, hyperspin rounds, proximity limits, shell blast, shells, trample
SQ all-around siege sensors, construct traits, dive system, extra buff, improved buff, life support, operator dependent, planar link, structural vulnerability, targeting systems, treads
Racial Feats Aquatic Shot (Sto 90), Blind-Fight, Coordinated Shot (HB 96), Far Shot, Great Fortitude, Improved Natural Attack [Siege Cannon] (MM 304), Improved Natural Attack [Slug Cannon] (MM 304), Improved Toughness (CW 205), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Run, Sharp-Shooting (CW 105), Weapon Focus [Siege Cannon], Weapon Focus [Slug Cannons]
Skills Listen +20, Spot +20, Swim +24
Occupant Entry (Ex) As a move action, a typical human-shaped creature of Medium size without a check penalty due to equipment or encumbrance, may enter an unoccupied siege tank that is both willing and adjacent. A siege tank only has room for one such occupant. Once inside a siege tank, the occupant gains total cover and concealment in addition to immunity against environmental extremes and all external events except gaze attacks. Any objects carried by the occupant that won't fit inside the tank itself, wind up in its space.
Operate Tank (Ex) When occupied, a willing siege tank responds to the direction of its occupant action for action, as if it were part of the occupant itself, while giving that occupant access to its senses and sensory special qualities.
Siege Mode (Ex) As a full-round action, a siege tank can anchor itself upon firm and solid ground. In siege mode, a siege tank's movement speeds are reduced to 0 while its Dexterity score is reduced to 1 and it gains a +20 bonus on ability checks and saving throws made to resist being moved from its location. A siege tank can exit siege mode as a move action.
Slug Cannons (Ex) When not in siege mode, a siege tank may use slug cannons to shoot bullets in combat without provoking attacks of opportunity. A slug cannon attack is considered a natural weapon despite having a projectile weapon’s unmodified range increment of 200 feet. Slug cannon attacks made underwater have an unmodified range increment of 40 feet with no additional penalties for range. A successful slug cannon attack deals piercing damage.
Siege Cannon (Ex) When in siege mode, a siege tank may use a siege cannon to launch shells in combat without provoking attacks of opportunity. A siege cannon attack is considered a natural weapon despite having a projectile weapon’s unmodified range increment of 350 feet. Siege cannon attacks made underwater have an unmodified range increment of 70 feet with no additional penalties for range. A successful siege cannon attack deals bludgeoning damage.
Shells (Ex) Shells are always considered ammunition for the purpose of durability and as "siege weapons" when wind speeds and water currents become a factor. Spells and abilities that affect a siege cannon attack, affect the shells it shoots accordingly.
Shell Blast (Ex) A launched shell explodes when destroyed, dealing an amount of slashing damage in its current square and all other squares within 30 feet, equal to the base damage of the siege cannon it came from. Creatures in the area can attempt a Reflex save for half damage (DC is Strength-based). A shell that hits its target with a normal attack roll is always destroyed, offering that target no saving throw when it explodes. Each time a shell ricochets off a creature, object or surface, it has a 50% chance of doing the same thing. Each round it survives intact, a launched shell has a 50% chance of exploding.
Hyperspin Round (Ex) When making a slug cannon or siege cannon attack against an object or structure, a siege tank may apply a -5 penalty to the attack roll before it is made. If the attack succeeds, the damage dealt to the target ignores its hardness.
Trample (Ex) A siege tank’s trample attack deals an amount of damage equal to 2d12 plus 1 ½ times its Strength modifier. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. The save DC is Strength-based.
Terran Comlink (Ex) As a move action, an authorized creature can command a willing siege tank to instantly attune itself to particular frequency code. As a move action, the occupant of a willing siege tank can command it to instantly enable the functionality of having their voice and/or the tank's relative location broadcast to all other constructs attuned to the same frequency code, and their occupants, that lie within range. This ability has a maximum range equal to 1000 miles multiplied by the tank's undamaged hit point total, and persists until an authorized creature commands a willing siege tank as a free or immediate action, to instantly disable it.
Slug Cannons (Ex) When not in siege mode, a siege tank may use slug cannons to shoot bullets in combat without provoking attacks of opportunity. A slug cannon attack is considered a natural weapon despite having a projectile weapon’s unmodified range increment of 200 feet. Slug cannon attacks made underwater have an unmodified range increment of 40 feet with no additional penalties for range. A successful slug cannon attack deals piercing damage.
Siege Cannon (Ex) When in siege mode, a siege tank may use a siege cannon to launch shells in combat without provoking attacks of opportunity. A siege cannon attack is considered a natural weapon despite having a projectile weapon’s unmodified range increment of 350 feet. Siege cannon attacks made underwater have an unmodified range increment of 70 feet with no additional penalties for range. A successful siege cannon attack deals bludgeoning damage.
Shells (Ex) Shells are always considered ammunition for the purpose of durability and as "siege weapons" when wind speeds and water currents become a factor. Spells and abilities that affect a siege cannon attack, affect the shells it shoots accordingly.
Shell Blast (Ex) A launched shell explodes when destroyed, dealing an amount of slashing damage in its current square and all other squares within 30 feet, equal to the base damage of the siege cannon it came from. Creatures in the area can attempt a Reflex save for half damage (DC is Strength-based). A shell that hits its target with a normal attack roll is always destroyed, offering that target no saving throw when it explodes. Each time a shell ricochets off a creature, object or surface, it has a 50% chance of doing the same thing. Each round it survives intact, a launched shell has a 50% chance of exploding.
Hyperspin Round (Ex) When making a slug cannon or siege cannon attack against an object or structure, a siege tank may apply a -5 penalty to the attack roll before it is made. If the attack succeeds, the damage dealt to the target ignores its hardness.
Trample (Ex) A siege tank’s trample attack deals an amount of damage equal to 2d12 plus 1 ½ times its Strength modifier. A successful Reflex save halves this damage. The save DC is Strength-based.
Terran Comlink (Ex) As a move action, an authorized creature can command a willing siege tank to instantly attune itself to particular frequency code. As a move action, the occupant of a willing siege tank can command it to instantly enable the functionality of having their voice and/or the tank's relative location broadcast to all other constructs attuned to the same frequency code, and their occupants, that lie within range. This ability has a maximum range equal to 1000 miles multiplied by the tank's undamaged hit point total, and persists until an authorized creature commands a willing siege tank as a free or immediate action, to instantly disable it.
Eject Occupant (Ex) As a free or immediate action, an authorized creature can command a willing siege tank to expel its occupant into the specified adjacent square. When destroyed, a siege tank automatically ejects its occupant. The moment an occupant no longer fits within a siege tank, it is similarly ejected.
Adamantine Strike (Ex) The natural weapons of siege tanks overcome adamantine-based damage reduction.
Arc Shot (Ex) When making slug cannon or siege cannon attack against a land-bound or waterborne target, a siege tank gains a +4 circumstance bonus on the attack roll. This bonus does not apply in zero gravity environments.
Proximity Limits (Ex) A siege tank cannot use its slug cannons or siege cannon to attack any target or location completely within its natural reach.
All-Around Siege Sensors (Ex) A siege tank’s sensor array allows it to look in any direction, and provides it with a +20 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks. A siege tank cannot be flanked. In addition, a siege tank suffers only one half the normal penalty on Spot checks because of distance (-1 per 20 feet of distance, rather than -1 per 10 feet).
Dive System (Ex) Underwater, a siege tank remains buoyant and can swim at its listed speed with a multitude of small jets.
Extra Buff (Ex) Siege tanks gain an extra 30 hit points.
Improved Buff (Ex) Siege tanks gain an extra 15 hit points.
Life Support (Ex) A siege tank creates an ideal atmosphere within itself for a typical human, filtering the needed substances from the surrounding environment when not in a vacuum. In a vacuum, the tank can sustain a typical human occupant for a number of hours equal to the tank's own undamaged hit point total.
Operator Dependent (Ex) Without a creature to occupy and manipulate it, a siege tank may not take standard or full-round actions or use weapons. In the absence of such an occupant, a willing siege tank will still follow the commands it receives from other authorized creatures.
Planar Link (Su) Whenever an occupied siege tank or its occupant is teleported or leaves a plane by any means, both of them travel to the same destination at the same time in the same configuration.
Structural Vulnerability (Ex) A Construct with the Vehicle subtype is not immune to critical hits and precision damage. There is still a 50% chance that any critical hit or any precision damage scored against it is negated so that the damage is instead rolled normally.
Targeting Systems (Ex) Siege tanks gain Aquatic Shot (Sto 90), Coordinated Shot (HB 96), Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Sharp-Shooting (CW 105), Weapon Focus [Siege Cannon] and Weapon Focus [Slug Cannons] as racial bonus feats.
Treads (Ex) Siege tanks cannot use the Climb or Jump skill, and those firmly upon solid ground are immune to Overrun and Trip attempts, and gain a +12 bonus on ability checks to resist Bull Rush attempts made against them.
Skills Siege tanks gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks. A siege tank can take a 10 on any Swim check, even when distracted or threatened. It may use the run action when swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Adamantine Strike (Ex) The natural weapons of siege tanks overcome adamantine-based damage reduction.
Arc Shot (Ex) When making slug cannon or siege cannon attack against a land-bound or waterborne target, a siege tank gains a +4 circumstance bonus on the attack roll. This bonus does not apply in zero gravity environments.
Proximity Limits (Ex) A siege tank cannot use its slug cannons or siege cannon to attack any target or location completely within its natural reach.
All-Around Siege Sensors (Ex) A siege tank’s sensor array allows it to look in any direction, and provides it with a +20 circumstance bonus on Listen and Spot checks. A siege tank cannot be flanked. In addition, a siege tank suffers only one half the normal penalty on Spot checks because of distance (-1 per 20 feet of distance, rather than -1 per 10 feet).
Dive System (Ex) Underwater, a siege tank remains buoyant and can swim at its listed speed with a multitude of small jets.
Extra Buff (Ex) Siege tanks gain an extra 30 hit points.
Improved Buff (Ex) Siege tanks gain an extra 15 hit points.
Life Support (Ex) A siege tank creates an ideal atmosphere within itself for a typical human, filtering the needed substances from the surrounding environment when not in a vacuum. In a vacuum, the tank can sustain a typical human occupant for a number of hours equal to the tank's own undamaged hit point total.
Operator Dependent (Ex) Without a creature to occupy and manipulate it, a siege tank may not take standard or full-round actions or use weapons. In the absence of such an occupant, a willing siege tank will still follow the commands it receives from other authorized creatures.
Planar Link (Su) Whenever an occupied siege tank or its occupant is teleported or leaves a plane by any means, both of them travel to the same destination at the same time in the same configuration.
Structural Vulnerability (Ex) A Construct with the Vehicle subtype is not immune to critical hits and precision damage. There is still a 50% chance that any critical hit or any precision damage scored against it is negated so that the damage is instead rolled normally.
Targeting Systems (Ex) Siege tanks gain Aquatic Shot (Sto 90), Coordinated Shot (HB 96), Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Sharp-Shooting (CW 105), Weapon Focus [Siege Cannon] and Weapon Focus [Slug Cannons] as racial bonus feats.
Treads (Ex) Siege tanks cannot use the Climb or Jump skill, and those firmly upon solid ground are immune to Overrun and Trip attempts, and gain a +12 bonus on ability checks to resist Bull Rush attempts made against them.
Skills Siege tanks gain a +8 racial bonus to Swim checks. A siege tank can take a 10 on any Swim check, even when distracted or threatened. It may use the run action when swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
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